Greek philosopher Socrates used a mule to argue for the existence of God.
didn't work.
enemies executed him anyhow. Made him drink poison hemlock.
Hebrew prophet Isaiah used an ox and an ass in his reasoning about God's
got executed too.
sawed him in half.
As a Christian, I like to play it safe; when I talk about God's existence, I
use a skunk for my argument.
makes me smarter than Socrates. At least, nobody thinks I'm worth executing.
it's just that no body wants to talk theology with a skunk.
The First Cause
Socrates was on trial for his life in Athens, he pointed to a mule plodding
past the Theater of Dionysus where the trial was held. He observed that mules
never have baby mules. All mules are sterile. Mules are the offspring of female
horses mated with male donkeys.
the philosopher argued, every time you see a mule, that proves the existence of
at least one horse and one donkey. And since all life only springs from other
life, then those animals must have parents too.
the parents must have parents and so on and on till you come to an original
source of life -- God.
the law of cause and effect, when you see any effect, you know it must have a
cause, and the First Cause of all effects is God, Socrates reasoned.
in the world would believe in sons of gods if they did not believe in
gods," Socrates asked? "That would be just as odd as believing in
sons of horses or asses, but not in the horses or asses themselves!"
enemies responded to his reasoning with a sophisticated argument of their own.
drink this," they said.
Even a dumb ox knows the way home.
prophet Isaiah also used an animal analogy to reason with people about God:
ox knows his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel does not know, my
people do not understand, " Isaiah said.-- Isaiah 1:3 KJV
Disney movies and Reader's Digest magazine both understand the validity of
Isaiah's observation. Every once in a while, both organizations display the
story of some family going on vacation with their dog or cat. Somehow the
animal gets left behind and makes its way over a thousand miles of rough
terrain to arrive home.
joyous reunion follows. Everybody hugs everybody. Tears flow.
story, whatever the animal or the details, touches our hearts.
down, we know exactly what the story teaches and with full hearts we rejoice.
dumb animals hunger for home and know how to get there, then why don't people
recognize God who is our Home?
is, we do. We just hate to admit it.
deep hunger and longing in the human heart manifests itself as a yearning for
something. We desire something, and we do know what it is; we know that what we
desperately seek is not something, but Someone.
know this, but sin keeps us from the desire of our hearts, the Desire of all Nations -- God. And we pretend
that we are dumber than Isaiah's ox and that we don't really know.
also addresses this false thinking:
now, let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow; though they be red as crimson, they shall like
wool."Isaiah 1:18 NIV
other words, God's message is, Come Home.
said, in the Father's house are many mansions -- not just buildings but homes
-- being prepared for us.
message is always, Welcome Home, Stranger!
Even Skunks Believe In God
Socrates' mule argues for God's being the First Cause of all effects. Isaiah's
ox argues for God's being the answer to the yearning of our hearts.
does Cowart's skunk argue for?
ago when I lived up in Maryland, I used to hike in the Patuxent Wildlife Refuge,
a bird sanctuary where huge flocks of ducks gathered in marsh ponds during
their migrations.
park ranger there once explained to me
that something was killing the baby ducks.
said that over-zealous hunters had
blasted most of the area's skunks. But because a favorite food of the skunks
was snapping turtle eggs, now the ponds were overrun with snapping turtles and
the favorite food of the turtles was duckling.
are vital to the food chain! No skunks, no ducks. Nothing left but hungry snapping
prove there is an order to creation.
whole scheme of things fits together.
It's all balanced.
could almost say it was planned.
plan means a Planner. A design demands a Designer. A creation requires a
say that Socrates' mule illustrates an ontological argument for God's
existence; Isaiah's ox illustrates an argument from man's universal desire for
God; and Cowart's skunk illustrates a
teleological argument.
centuries, some very smart people have discussed many arguments and
counter-arguments concerning the existence of God. If you want more information
on the subject then I'd suggest that you read books by heavy-hitter theologians
such as St. Augustine, John Calvin, Charles Hodge, Soren Kierkegaard, C.S.
Lewis or A. W. Tozer.
the thoughts I've presented here do not necessarily prove the existence of a
God who hears and answers our prayers. These thoughts are merely hints that he
really is at home when the phone rings.
you don't have to be a super-brain theologian to take a hint.
St. Paul said, "Anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and
that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."-- Hebrews 11:6 NIV
I believe that God is. I believe he is a rewarder. I even believe that I've
been more or less diligent in my prayers. How come I still get no satisfactory
is God when I cry for him?
it be that God is not available?
When God is out of town, where does
he go?
to a old book on odd wills, many years ago an eccentric lady who lived in
Cherokee County, N.C., died and left her property to -- God.
probate court, attempting to honor her wishes, went through the motions of
summoning God to court for the settlement.
did not appear.
both letter and spirit of the law, the court instructed the local sheriff to
locate the designated heir.
a time the sheriff duly reported, "Having searched diligently, I have
determined that you can not find God in Cherokee County, N.C."
would you find him then?
missionary on leave from service in India told me that he had seen a man go
from boulder to boulder in the desert knocking on each rock and calling out,
"Are you there? Are you there?"
asked, the man explained he had heard that a god lived among the rocks and he
was looking so he could worship it.
I talked with a young woman who was pushing a baby stroller. In it rested a
severely deformed and retarded child.
was God when he was born," she said bitterly, pointing at her son.
is God?
any newspaper and the devil is usually right there in big print on the front
page; but where is God?
basic tenet of Christian theology says that God is omnipresent; that he is
everywhere, in all places at all times, unlimited by distance.
Him we live and move and have our being," St. Paul told the philosophers
of Athens.
picture which the Scripture gives of God's omnipresence reminds me of a
pipping-hot, batter-fried shrimp.
shrimp is me.
covering batter is the world around me.
oil coating the whole is the extended universe.
God is the heat permeating the whole thing -- the shrimp, the batter, and the
Bible teaches that God is in nature -- or more correctly that nature is in God:
earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in
it". -- Psalm 24:1 NIV
Bible teaches that God is in Christ, His Son:
was in Christ reconciling the world to himself..."
-- II Corinthians 5:19 KJV
Bible teaches that God is in his people, the church:
said, "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with
them".-- Matthew 18:20 NIV
Bible teaches that God is willing to come into the hearts of sinners who
repent, folks like you and me:
I stand at the door, and knock: if anyone
hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him..."--
Revelation 3:20 KJV
Bible teaches that God delights to be discovered by those who truly seek him:
as the old hymn (based on Isaiah 44:3) says, "I will pour water on him who
is thirsty. I will pour floods upon the dry ground. Open your hearts to the
gift I am bringing; while ye are seeking me, I will be found".
is God?
mystic Madame Jeanne Guyon said the Spirit told her, "While you were
running around, I was seeking you".
Apostle James worded it even more simply; he said, "God is near."
about that?
is near.
as thought. Close as prayer. Close as your heart's desire.
Him, we live and move and have our very being.
Then we don't have to go someplace
special to pray?
is omnipresent; he is in all places at all times. He is in your kitchen, your
office, your garage, your classroom as
well as in your church. He is with us when we drive, when we polish our shoes,
study our lessons, witness to the unsaved, rock the baby, kneel for communion,
feed the hungry, nurse the sick, play ball with the guys...
is He not?
thinking about God being everywhere watching you, please don't get the mental
picture of Big Brother spying on you all the time ready to zap you when you
screw up -- instead, think of a nurse in a hospital intensive care unit ready
to jump to your aid the second the heart monitor fluctuates.
Taylor, who suffered persecution by Oliver Cromwell's roundheads, said:
"God is everywhere present by his
power. He rolls the orbs of heaven with His hand; He fixes the earth with His
foot; He guides all the creatures with His eye, and refreshes them with His
influence: He makes the powers of hell to shake with His terrors, and binds the
devils with His word, and throws them out with His command; and sends the
angels on embassies with His decrees; He hardens the joints of infants, and
makes firm the bones when they are fashioned secretly...
"Let everything you see represent to
your spirit the presence, the excellency and the power of God, and let your
conversation with the creatures lead you unto the Creator; for so shall your
actions be done more frequently with an actual eye to God's presence by your
often seeing Him in the glass of the creation. In the face of the sun you may
see God's beauty; in the fire you may feel His heat warming; in the water His
gentleness to refresh you: He it is that comforts your spirit when you have
taken cordials; it is the dew of heaven that makes your field give you
said that if we will but recognize that we live each moment in the presence of
God, then we can pray anytime and anywhere so that,
"Every act of complaint or
thanksgiving, every act of rejoicing or of mourning, and every petition is a
going to God, an appearing in His presence, and a building to God of a chapel
in our heart. It reconciles Martha's employment with Mary's devotion, charity
and religion, the necessities of our calling and the employment of devotion.
For thus, in the midst of the works of your trade, you may retire into your
chapel, your heart -- and converse with God!
and do...
is really beside us constantly and we can continually talk with him as we do
our everyday work, -- we can pray
without ceasing.
Gerard Manley Hopkins wrote, "To lift up the hands in prayer gives God
glory, but a man with a dungfork in his hand, a woman with a slop-pail, give
him glory too. He is so great that all things give him glory if you mean they
don't have to go to a special place, we can pray while we vacuum the floor,
program the computer, paint the eaves, change a tire, change the printer
ribbon, change the baby...
But isn't prayer such a serious
business that it demands all our attention?
is prayer in that by both activities seek to bring about a desired end; and I
suspect that the most effective way to work is to pray at the same time; and
the most effective way to pray is while our hands are busy with some needed
and prayer are related like... like... well, if in a Chinese restaurant you can
eat two bowls of shrimp egg foo young with two chopsticks, how many bowls can
you eat with one chopstick?
think work and prayers are like those two chopsticks -- we use both at the same
is this idea for everyone? Yes. While few of us can build a great cathedral, go
as missionaries, preach to thousands or perform some great work for God -- all
of us can do little everyday things for the love of God.
The Practice of the Presence of God, Brother Lawrence, who worked in a
monastery kitchen during the 1660s, said the God does not regard the greatness
of our labor as much as he regards the love with which it is performed. He
tried to cook meals and wash dishes for the love of Christ while talking with
Christ as he scrubbed pans.
said his greatest business in life did not divert him from the presence of God
because he prayed as he worked.
time of business does not with me differ from the time of prayer," he
said, "In the noise and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are
at the same time calling for different things, I possess God in as great
tranquility as if I were upon my knees at the blessed sacrament," he said.
and Lawrence and many other saints of the past say that praying while doing the
plain, ordinary, un-glamorous, duty right before our eyes is the best way to
pray. They teach that when your prayers seem to get nowhere, then don't sulk
but do the obvious duty you have to do. Clean your room. Study your lessons.
Witness to the unsaved. Pet the cat. Visit a shut-in. Hoe weeds... praying as you
do common ordinary work.
if God is indeed everywhere and we can talk with him at any time and at any
place even while we're doing other things, then why do we have any problem at
all finding him?
Who's looking for who?
trouble with an omnipresent God is that he's too close. He crowds us. He moves
in on our turf; Hey, I'm the king of this corner.
are times when we all wish he'd back off, go hide under that rock in India,
don't meddle in our affairs.
become aware of his presence at the most inconvenient times. Yes indeed,
sometimes, God is not only here and there, but right underfoot.
see, while we dabble at searching for God and go through all the right
religious motions, God is everywhere and at all times seeking us:
after the first sin of mankind, the very first thing God said was, "Adam,
where are you?"
of course, was hiding stark naked in the bushes.
were we spend most of our time to this very day. Sin causes us to feel an
aversion to God, makes us uncomfortable in his presence.
set the historical precedent of God's looking for man while man hides --
Yet, we make a big display of being
"Seekers" after God.
is God? Where is God," we cry, as though He were the one hiding.
Where is God when the drugs I took deform my
child? Where is God when the car breaks down? Where is God when the rent comes
due? Where is God when I get fired off my job?
is God at those times when I command his appearance front and center at my
really ought to jump when I snap. What kind of God is this anyhow?
is Creator and the universe he created, small as a hazel nut, exists in the palm of his hand. He is its
Maker, Master and Means of support.
Why in the world is God looking for
is it that God wants from me?
does he call us to prayer and fellowship?
does he call our names and seek out our hiding places?
does he beat the bushes for us?
Bible tells why:
the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout
the whole earth to show himself strong on the behalf of those whose
heart is perfect toward him". -- II Chronicles 16:9 KJV
do you think of that?
if God is strong and he wants to show his strength for me when I pray, but I
still do not get the things I ask him for, could it be that God is not strong
enough to perform.
it be that he is not able to do what I ask?
think about that disturbing possibility in the next chapter.
You have been reading Chapter Two of the book
Why Don’t I Get What I Pray For? by John W. Cowart (IVP, 1993)
Click here
for Chapter Three
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