Does God Have The Clout To Do What We Ask?
Remember the story of Daniel in the lions' den?
enemies observed that Daniel prayed three times daily and engineered a trap,
tricking King Darius into making such prayer illegal.
Darius liked Daniel and was distressed at
being forced to feed him to the lions. While Daniel was in the pit, the King
spent a sleepless night.
the first light of dawn, the king got up and hurried to the lions' den. When he
came near the den, he called to Daniel in an anguished voice, 'Daniel, servant
of the Living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to
rescue you from the lions?'
answered, 'O King, live forever! My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths
of the lions. They have not hurt me...'"
king was overjoyed and gave orders to lift Daniel out of the den; he then threw
Daniel's enemies in "And before they reached the floor of the den, the
lions overpowered them and crushed all their bones."
Daniel in the lions' den is a neat little Sunday School story for kids but the
question King Darius asked is one that has been asked over and over again for
God able to _____ _____ _____?"
fill in the blanks.
God is able, then why doesn't He?
Smashing cinder blocks
David, the giant
killer, said, "Praise be to the Lord, my Rock, who trains my hands for
war, my fingers for battle. He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold
and my deliverer..."-- Psalm 144:1-2.
get a kick out of that verse because twenty-five years and 50 pounds ago I was
able break cinder blocks with my bare hands.
several years I studied karate and akido at Kim's Studio of Tae Kwon Do in
Silver Spring, Maryland. I could kick opponents in the head, ribs and groin in
a single rapid motion. I fought in matches, won trophies and learned how to
throw people across the room, to take knives away from attackers, to split
boards and crack slabs of marble.
secret to breaking things hides largely in practice and utilizing principles of
physics, but it is also a matter of concentration. You focus your energy on
hitting a spot beyond the object you are striking.
technique worked for me in numerous karate demonstrations and tournaments. I
liked smashing hostile cinder blocks; it gave me a real sense of power,
security and being in control.
one time my strong-man technique did not work.
brought my new girlfriend to the do-jo to show her another fascinating element
in my mystique. I intended to thrill and impress her.
up the cinder blocks, I made her stand back so she wouldn't get hit by flying
fragments. I assumed my stance, focused and whacked the thing expecting it to
disintegrate -- It didn't.
hit it again.
result but this time I think I heard a muffled giggle.
really whalloped that stupid grey block.
now I was getting annoyed.
hit that target several more times.
obstinate thing still sat there as solid as a cinder block.
fellow karate student came over and with one blow punched his way completely
though the block shattering it into a dozen jagged chunks.
think God set me up for that one.
a shame that we can't learn humility without being humiliated.
the young lady must have been more impressed with my soft head than with my
hard hands because she eventually did marry me. (And, to Ginny's everlasting
credit, the other day while cleaning out a dusty storage box she discovered one
of my old karate trophies and put it out for display without even mentioning
the cinder block I could not break.)
Jesus never smashed a cinder block.
never resorted to amateur theatrics to demonstrate his strength.
one time he wanted to get through a stone, his living presence rolled it from
the mouth of his tomb.
scriptures give us virtually no picture of the physical condition of Jesus. He
may have been tall; he may have been short. He may have been a 98-pound
weakling; he may have weighted 300 pounds.
he was unable to carry the wooden beam of his cross as the result of the
beating he received before the crucifixion or because it would have been just
too heavy for his physical strength in the first place is a matter of pure
prophetically Isaiah says, "He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to
him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him."
-- Isaiah 53:2 NIV
the Gospels, some people referred to him as a "carpenter" indicating
that he followed Joseph's trade for a time; but whether he was a cabinetmaker
kind of carpenter or a construction worker kind of carpenter, we have no idea.
inclined to think Jesus was a bit on the hefty side because his enemies accused
him, without refute, of being a winebibber and a glutton. Being a fat guy
myself, I take some comfort in that idea.
word portrait John paints in the beginning of Revelation shows a person of
pulsating strength and power; this is the Resurrected Lord and may not much
resemble the Man Of Sorrows Acquainted With Grief who was seen by the people of New Testament times in
the fact is that the strength and power of Jesus lies beyond the physical
The Power of God declared
in Scripture
in mind that the word strength means the power and ability to perform effectively, let's look at a few
things the Scripture says concerning the strength of God, especially as it
relates to prayer:
the waters of the Red Sea closed over the chariots of Pharaoh, Moses sang the
song recorded in Exodus 15. He rejoiced that God's power had thrown the horses
and riders of the mightiest army on earth into the sea -- gone in a puff.
right hand, O Lord, was majestic in power," he said, " By the blast
of your nostrils the waters piled up".
the midst of his troubles, Job said, "He spreads out the northern skies
over empty space; he suspends the earth over nothing... The pillars of the
heavens quake, aghast at his rebuke. By his power he churned up the sea... And
these are but the outer fringe of his works; how faint the whisper we hear of
him! Who then can understand the thunder of his power?"
-- Job 26:6-14 NIV
Prophet Isaiah declared that the earth is like a grasshopper before God and
that he gives kings and princes their energy to rule. "He brings out the
starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power
and mighty strength, not one of them is missing... The Lord is the everlasting
God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and
his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and
increases the power of the weak." -- Isaiah 40:22-28 NIV
Paul told the Ephesians that when we
pray, God's power works in us and he is
able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.
the Apostle John spoke for all Bible writers and said it all:
"Alleluia: for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth!"
God's power is the source
of all other power
by definition, is infinite; if he had limits, he would be something less than
God. Each of his characteristics, because they belong to him, are also without
limit. If God has any power at all, he has all power without limit.
Scriptures tell us again and again that God is the source of all power; that
indeed he has the clout to do what he says he will.
God gives energy, we use it.
is the source of power not just for ocean waves, storm clouds, lightening bolts
and earthquakes, but He also supplies power to people.
person chooses how to use the energy God makes available to them. The electric
company sees that the power is in the wires, we choose how to use it. We can
heat our home, run a life-support system, microwave a pizza or watch MTV.
we use the power of electricity in the wires -- but we do not own it.
source of all human strength is God. He formed the muscles and tendons in the
womb. Hector, Alexander, Hercules, Samson, Rambo, all derive their physical
prowess from their Creator. The individual person decides how to use the
strength we have been given but that strength comes from God.
star John Holmes claimed to have had intercourse with over a thousand different
women before he died of AIDS in 1988. Now, I certainly hope he found mercy and
peace in Christ before his death, but I doubt that Mr. Holmes used his
tremendous energy in the wisest possible manner while alive.
Water, Living Water, Power
about God as the source of all power reminds me that once in a riot, I saw
authorities use the power of water under pressure to disperse hundreds of
people who did not want to be dispersed. I've seen zoo workers use that same
water power to separate two fighting tigers. And I've seen fire fighters tame
the flames of a fully engaged building with a stream of water.
point I want to make is that there is no more water at the nozzle end of the
hose than there is at the faucet end. All the manifestations of power we see in
nature -- strong people, hurricanes, floods, erupting volcanos -- all these
outlets of power are drips at the nozzles of creation, the outer fringe of
God's power. The Hydrant for all hoses is God.
is the Living Water.
The Power of Light
If I remember my
physics correctly the amount of energy/matter in the universe is constant; it
changes form, but neither increases nor decreases itself.
leaf transforms light energy into wood which you can burn in your fireplace to
generate heat.
ourselves are photo-dependent in that our energy originally comes from light.
Blades of grass grow in sunlight to be eaten by the cows which become our
burgers. No sunlight = no grass = no cows = no Big Macs!
the Scripture says, "God is light. In him is no darkness at all!"
off the bat in the order of things He created light and separated it from
said, "I am the Light of the World."
is the source of all energy. In him we live and move and have our very beings.
stars and critters and strong men in the past is very impressive. God is to be
what about me and my prayer?
God has the ability to answer me and grant my request, why doesn't he?
You have been reading Chapter Three of the book Why Don’t I Get What I Pray
For? by John W. Cowart (IVP,
Click here
for Chapter Four
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