Johnny Returns North
Sunday, my son Johnny drove back to the bleak, frozen north.
Of course, he drove away from the bleak, frozen South—record-breaking cold hit Jacksonville Sunday night as temperatures dropped into the 20s and all the flowers in our yard wilted and died.
Johnny is my middle son, youngest of two sons from my first marriage.
Here’s a photo of him at the wedding in his Crocodile Dundee mode:
Johnny came down South to spend Christmas with the southern branch of the family and to celebrate Patricia’s wedding.
He added so much to the holiday as he spent time with Mark & Eve, Donald & Helen, and with me and Ginny. He did all sorts of helpful chores for me from moving heavy boxes to changing light bulbs high in the ceiling where I could not reach on the ladder (We’d been cooking in a dark kitchen for several days before he arrived).
Johnny has proved to be such a wise young man. He advised me about several areas of concern and his common sense and insights help me greatly.
He’s read about my friends Barbara and Wes but now he got to meet and spend time with them in person. Here’s a photo of Johnny with Jennifer, me, Wes and Ted at breakfast one morning:
One of the happiest things about Johnny is the fact that he works at a job doing computer stuff that he absolutely loves.
King Solomon said, “There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink , and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw , that it was from the hand of God”.
So, I am really happy that my son finds so much enjoyment in his work.
When he got back up in snow country, he sent me this e-mail:
“This was one of the very best Christmases I can recall in many years. As is normal I suppose, we seldom realize how profoundly we touch the lives of others. I've not smiled nor laughed so much in far too long just being with people I love and who love me. I'm back to work but will be trying to send things out as I get to them. Thank you all again for just being who you are. I love you”.
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posted by John Cowart @ 9:14 AM

Ecclesiastes 2:22-23 I know, but how did I miss 24???
Thanks John.
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