Rabid Fun

John Cowart's Daily Journal: A befuddled ordinary Christian looks for spiritual realities in day to day living.

Friday, October 09, 2009

A Request For Your Input

I am writing a book about divine guidance, and I’d like your help please.

My book examines how we find and follow God’s will.

My working title is If God Leads Me, Why Do I Run In Circles. It’s about how God leads and guides people.

I need help.

I’d like your input.

Please comment below about some incident in your own life where you feel God has led you. Or, some occasion when you feel you’ve been guided. Or how you feel you have come to know the will of God for yourself today.

Whether your own experience involves a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, or a still small voice, please tell me your story.

I’m bogged down and I really need your help.

I’m sure your input will inspire me—and maybe I’ll be able to use some of your material in the book.



Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 2:07 AM


At 7:28 AM, Blogger sherri said...

I'll give this some thought and I shall return!

At 6:30 PM, Blogger Karen said...

I do not use conventional satellite navigation, I use God-nav. I pray before I leave home if I'm going to a place I have never visited before and there have been a few occasions where God has really guided me in the journey. I was visiting one of my best friends and got a bit lost, but the extra time I spent getting lost meant that when I finally arrived he was walking up the street. Had I arrived any earlier or later I would have missed him completely.

Not really what you were asking for, but i think I'm much more a practical guidance person than a long term guidance person. I know God's in my future, I don't doubt it at all, so I just go for it!

At 1:03 AM, Blogger Felisol said...

Dear John C,
I might be superficial and say that if you're running in a circle, that's because you need to reach the point where you become a child again.
It is not so.
Some like to say we are work under construction, giving me a picture of a giant building with scaffolds all around getting higher and better every day.
It is not so either.
The Bible says we are clay in the Master's hands.
When I was younger, I loved to play with clay and make weird heads or vases.
The first thing we had to do, before even beginning modeling, was knocking the clay dough around to get the air bubbles out of the substance, and making it soft enough to work with.
Often when I got wrong off, I had to clash the dough together again and start from scratch.
I think these are the circles.

My very good friend Turid said the other day, "god is helping us in every way we let him do it.

Often, when struggling with problems, where everything went in black I have cried out for an answer, opened my Bible and found answers that made me awe struck.

I was 20, went to nurse school (nursing and teaching handicapped of various kind).
We were to mates in practice at a boarding school for neglected and to some extent criminal children, from the age of 10 to 14.
I loved those boys. They got to my heart lie no one later. (My brother came to the same school half year after I ended my practice, and he's still a headmaster at the school.)
I fought with God, like I've only seldom done.
How could He be almighty and let these wonderful, charming and loving boys be destroyed before they'd even had a childhood.
My heart bled, my faith cracked.
"If you are, answer me," I cried alone in my room.
I opened my Bible knowing I needed a word there and then, and
I was not let down.
Isaiah 45: 9 Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?

10Woe unto him that saith unto his father, What begettest thou? or to the woman, What hast thou brought forth?

11Thus saith the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me.

12I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded."

I now see in my Bible that this was March 1971, I was just 21.
I've been allowed to follow some of the boys, particularly the one they said would always be a hardheaded criminal. He visited three years ago, a father of two, working on an oil rig in the North Sea and an artist in his spare time.

God is not working and answering as soon as we might like to, but I know, He is there all the time.

Oh, dear John C, this is only an example. I'm soon to pass 60 and am still being blessed by God, getting my daily manna.
Not every course is that tasty, not evry lesson that esy to learn.
But I'm still getting answers. Not that many weeks ago, when a dear friend was in need and I wrote my other dear friend, John C for help.
I've got to stop, the morning light is already breaking through.
From Felisol

At 3:47 PM, Blogger Felisol said...

Dear John C,
I'm glad you understood my story. When I came back to reread it, I detected more "slips of the finger"
than I thought human possible.
I am blushing confronted with all my errors.
The worst thing is, one cannot correct blog comments.
They are like carved in stone.
Well, I was tired and I usually never read through my comments.
(Sloppy and arrogant, one might put it.)
When I occasionally do so, I tend to delete the whole piece.
I am humble and humbled, but thankful for you bearing over with me, and gripping the essence.
When I have swallowed my pride, I just might come back with another story from my roller coaster rides with God.
From Felisol


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