Rabid Fun

John Cowart's Daily Journal: A befuddled ordinary Christian looks for spiritual realities in day to day living.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Debis In My Life

Yesterday a giant claw machine, tires taller than my head, raked up half of the yard debris from Hurricane Fay that was in front of our house and loaded it in a dump truck. That filled the dump truck so the driver said the other half of the debris will be picked up Friday—Maybe.

Getting rid of this debris from Hurricane Fay concerns me because Hurricane Hanna circles just off our coast today. If the track shifts a little to the west, Hanna, with winds of 120 miles per hour, will blow around all the branches dropped by Fay, which brought winds of only 70 mph. Hanna has already killed more than 130 people down in the islands.

Then, forecasters project that next week Hurricane Ike will approach Florida as a Category Four hurricane with winds of 165 mph.

Hurricane Josephine remains far off in the Atlantic but heads in this general direction also.

I hardly have time to clear up debris from one storm before another hits.

I picked up all the debris from Fay, carried it out front and piled it at the curb. And there it has sat till the city claw machine came by yesterday to haul it away.

But if the branches from Fay don’t get cleared away first, then the next storm turns them into deadly missiles.

So it is with the other messes in my life:

If I don’t clear one away thoroughly, the next storm stirs the crock, compounding the minimal damage of the first storm.

I’m sick of hurricanes.

Preparing for.

Living through.

Cleaning up afterwards.

Sometimes Ginny reads a prayer that contains the lines, “Lord, preserve us from the dangers of this night—And from the fear of them…”

Hear our prayer, O Lord!

Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 3:54 AM


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