Rabid Fun

John Cowart's Daily Journal: A befuddled ordinary Christian looks for spiritual realities in day to day living.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Lost In Space

Hi, This is John tryping on a borrowede laptop with tiny tiny keys athat I can't t
On June 15th my own computer overheated (too much cat hair in the fan) and medlted some capacitors inside the power source box -- same sort of problem they re having on the space station.
The power source box resembles a medtal, plastic and wire octopuss which distributesd electricity to various other boxes inside a computger. Donald disemboweled my comput4er, discovered the problem and ordered new parts from Jakarda, Litghuania, or whereever it is these are assembled by elves. Must be a dock strike there because the new partws still have not arrived.
Someday I will be back online agained.
Untill the power source is rfestored, I'm ded= in the waterd and lost in spaced.
I can not tell how many filee maqy have been lost in the mishaqp (daqmn cat) but even with my backup files, I will have trouble restoring the Ward Diary. I was withine a week of finishing that but may have lost it all. ... Apparently6 the Kingodm of God can muddle along without my input when necessary.
In my last post I wrote about wanting to produce a significant book-- May have found it. It's not something I wrote myself but it doesn't need to be. (more when I can type or aq reaql dkeyboaqrd)
Ginny and IU plan to go on a mini-vacation next week. Going camping in a staqte park. I'll try to post again, God willing, on Juned 26th. Donald says he should have my own system up and running again by then.
Love, John

Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 5:19 AM


At 11:55 PM, Blogger Val said...

Oh John, I'm so sorry to hear that the Ward book might be a victim of your computer problem - darn cats! How you are not ranting and raving now is beyond my comprehension. I will keep my fingers crossed for you (which I've found works just as well, or not, as other methods).

At 7:15 AM, Blogger Seeker said...

If the keyboard on that laptop is giving you that much trouble, I can just imagine the fun you're having with the mouse. Good luck with that.

At 2:12 PM, Blogger Leiselb said...

This post was the BEST! Sooo funny....I'm sorry you're having computer troubles but I thoroughly enjoy reading about them. Have fun on your mini-vacay!

At 11:37 PM, Blogger Amrita said...

Sorry to hear you 're having trouble.Hope you get your PC working soon.Its really frustrating when such things happen

At 12:22 AM, Blogger Amrita said...

Hi again, To keep my dog 's hair out of my computer i cover it with an old bed sheet.They also have plastic computer covers in the shops.

I want to appeal to all friends to please vote for the Taj Mahal to be included in the list of the 7 wonders of the world (voting closes July 7th)Please log on to www.votefortaj.com


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