We’re Back — More or Less
Yesterday afternoon Ginny and I returned from her father’s funeral in Maryland. It was a grueling trip physically, mentally and emotionally. We intend to crash for a couple of days to recuperate.
I intend to post an critique of what went on tomorrow but for now I’m too exhausted to think…
Oh, I had not had time to check before we left but I did call the doctor when we got in yesterday and my three latest biopsies tested benign so it looks as though we’re only dealing with one cancer and this nerve thing (which has been acting up all week). I’m scheduled to see two more doctors next week. After that I should have enough information to begin making decisions.
The biggest two events on our trip was seeing and hearing a flight of wild geese and seeing a russet towhee, a bird we’d never seen before.
Oh yes, the other biggie was somewhere about a thousand miles from home, I discovered that the car we’d borrowed for the trip has a newfangled gadget.
At some restaurant somewhere I pulled in to park between two cars and this alarm started blaring. I thought I must have bumped one of these parked cars. But the people sitting in the cars on each side of me looked at me like I was crazy because this alarm kept going and going and I just sat there looking at them wondering why they did not shut the thing off.
How was I to know that Donald’s car had a panic button alarm?
Nobody told me.
I locked the thing and started to walk away leaving the noise behind when Ginny realized that it was our car making the noise.
She dug the driver’s handbook out of the glove compartment and read up on how to shut the thing off…
So I did.
“Hey,” I said, “That sort of thing could happen to anybody”.
“It could happen to anybody,” she said, “But it always does happen to you”.
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posted by John Cowart @ 11:45 AM

At least it wasn't blaring for the entire 1000 miles...
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