Rabid Fun

John Cowart's Daily Journal: A befuddled ordinary Christian looks for spiritual realities in day to day living.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Waiting Around

Tuesday I spent eight hours and a thousand dollars in a garage.

In accordance with the plans Ginny and I made (see April 25th posting), I took our Ford Escort to Erbaughs Auto Fitness and I hung around all day while the mechanics replaced the radiator, water pump, thermostat and other car guts.

All this was expensive but I’ve had work done on the car there in the past and I’ve been pleased with their work.

Because the garage is so far from our home and because anyone I might have bummed a ride from was either at work or out of town, I carried several books to read and study while the work was being done on the car.

I read a local history book and a book on revival and I started a book on the holocaust.

Of these, the book on revival was the most important. At various times in history the Holy Spirit has swept over areas with little human agency involved. He apparently makes His presence known in ways that people with no religious intentions are suddenly aware of the majesty and holiness of God. Christ is honored and lives are changed, not by preachers or plans or programs, but by the Spirit’s direct influence.

I have never seen this happen.

The phenomenon is well-documented history, but I’ve never seen it personally.

Such a visitation is something I covet for myself and for Jacksonville.

You know the sort of thing, “The glory of the Lord shown round about them and they were sore afraid”.

For years I have prayed for it and looked for it but so far, nothing. God doesn’t jump through hoops just because I want Him to. One earmark of true revival is that we become intensely aware of God’s sovereignty, that He indeed is Lord.

I’d sort of half way hoped that today was the day, that revival would break out… why not in a garage? He manifested Himself in a stable once, on a death-row cross, from a borrowed tomb, in an upper room.

Between reading chapters as I wanted in the garage, I listened and talked with a number of other folks. One young man told me about ecology and the importance of frogs. A guy on vacation told me about his brother’s electrical business. A young fellow told me about having to bring his grandmother’s car to the shop. And old guy worried about health problems – just the sort of small talk strangers indulge in in a waiting room.

Wednesday, I get to hang around a doctor’s office. Then Thursday, I plan to bring the car in again for additional work…

Just living the stuff of life

Doing everyday duties.

Looking for the sign of His coming

Anticipating wonder.

Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 5:49 AM


At 4:24 PM, Blogger Bound For Home said...


I haven't had a spare moment to blog lately, but this post was wonderful.

Thank you for sharing your heart and I will look for that revival with you. West Virginia could use a healthy dose of the Holy Ghost!

God Bless,
Michael Ann


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