Rabid Fun

John Cowart's Daily Journal: A befuddled ordinary Christian looks for spiritual realities in day to day living.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Odds & Ends — Mostly Odds

Ginny & I have been thinking about buying a couple of bicycles for exercise so over the weekend we visited a bike store where we discovered that two new bicycles would cost more than our car! Maybe we’ll take up weightlifting or lacrosse or rock climbing. Yeah, rock climbing. Rocks are cheap. We can afford rocks.

Matilda the duck actually flew about ten feet Saturday morning. Her wing is healing and I imagine she’ll be flying away soon.

I’m still obsessing about that reunion thing. It’s a brain consumer. I keep trying to get past every other factor and ask only, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” That’s the only question that counts.

Since I work at home while Ginny works out of an office, every weekend I try to give her a few hours alone in her own home to do whatever appeals to her. This weekend, to give her the run of the house, I spent a lot of time outside cleaning the storage shed.

For a man who is not a materialist, I own a lot of junk. Books, old computer parts, file drawers, fossils, statues, teaching gimmicks, natural history samples, broke things that need to be glued back together, a clock for me to repair, tools I’ll need someday, and who knows what all else fill this shed.

I filled three garbage cans with stuff I’m sure I will never need again — until next week when a need for it is sure to arise.

Here’s a Bible Quiz question:

Q: How long did Cain hate his brother?

A: As long as he was Able.

During Ginny’s alone time, she checked our grab-and-go bag for insurance policies, car title, birth certificates, etc. She also checked our hurricane/bird flu/other disaster supplies. For the next couple of days, Florida has suspended sales taxes on any hurricane supplies and Ginny checked to see what we might want replenish.

I had not checked e-mail all weekend. This morning 78 e-mails filled my inboxes. Several friends send me this photo of what to expect when bird flu hits Florida:

Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 2:55 PM


At 12:37 AM, Blogger Heather said...

That picture is toooooo funny!

At 8:36 AM, Blogger jellyhead said...

Hey John, I've been thinking about your reunion dilemma, and the phrase that came to mind was 'life's too short'. If these people really do make you feel awful about yourself, are you obliged to go be with them?

Whatever your decision, don't forget, we, your blog fans, think you are a funny, fascinating and compassionate man. We hold you in high esteem.

At 10:05 AM, Blogger susan said...

WalMart has bicycles for around $79, we got some a few years ago, and found that although you really do not forget how to ride a bike, it sure was a lot easier when we were younger to pedal uphill and to sit for long on that little seat...

As for the reunion, I say *%$# 'em, and don't go! (pardon my computer French).


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