Rabid Fun

John Cowart's Daily Journal: A befuddled ordinary Christian looks for spiritual realities in day to day living.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Jesus Loves Me and Saved Me $400!

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have had trouble connecting to my blog, website, book catalogue, or e-mail in the past couple of days, my son Donald, a computer network manager, just called telling me that our remote server is under a “distributed denial of service attack”.

As I understand it, that means that somebody set his computer or computers to send small messages to my server every second round the clock

These thousands of messages clog the server so that readers who want to get to my sites get timed out and can not read or comment.

In other words, you get a busy signal because the attacker is tying up the line.

Donald is doing geek stuff to correct the problem.

My sites and Donald’s run off a remote dedicated server which runs through yet another server so we may be innocent bystanders and not the main target of the denial of service attack.

On the other hand, last week I wrote some things which may have been offensive to cat lovers (or others). They may be sending me thousands of cute kitten photo every second of the day. It’s cat hair clogging my server.

Please be patient.

I’ve already got a call in to Orkin Pest Control.


Friday I put my fire department history manuscript on the back burner so I could edge and mow our yard.

This chore takes me about six hours.

That indicates both that our garden is huge and that I’m slow.

Whenever the phone rings, Ginny says, “Oh good, there’s somebody with plans for our life”.

Had she been home, she’d have been right today because when I came back inside the house, I saw the little red light on the phone answering machine flashing like mad.

I’d missed an important call.

It had come in hours before and I’d been outside whacking weeds.

I listened to the message and returned the call.

The caller had wanted to borrow $400 in the morning and the “need” was so urgent that when I didn’t answer, she called somebody else and got the money from them instead of me.

And who says Jesus doesn’t love me!

Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 6:49 AM


At 9:17 AM, Blogger Darlene said...

Things are going your way this week! Sorry about the puter problems though!

At 12:15 PM, Blogger Tink said...

Glad to see you puter problems are being fixed. Someone named Paul was asking what was happening. I told him to wait till today to check things out. Hope he get here o.k.

At 3:44 PM, Blogger jellyhead said...

It must have been your lucky day!

By the way, I HAVE had trouble getting on to your site the past few days - kept getting one of those 'this site is unavailable' pages. Now I know why. Hopefully your intrepid and clever son has solved the problem already.

At 12:10 AM, Blogger sunnybunni said...

Glad to see you're back online. I was wondering what happened..!

Also, usually when someone is in an immediate $400 jam, somehow a decision they have made (at one time or another) has gotten them there. (Or maybe not, but usually).
Maybe it is best to let some time pass, then you can both analyze it....Just remember its their rush, maybe they face their immediacy. Eh, I dunno, just a though..


At 12:10 AM, Blogger sunnybunni said...

Glad to see you're back online. I was wondering what happened..!

Also, usually when someone is in an immediate $400 jam, somehow a decision they have made (at one time or another) has gotten them there. (Or maybe not, but usually).
Maybe it is best to let some time pass, then you can both analyze it....Just remember its their rush, maybe they face their immediacy. Eh, I dunno, just a though..



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