Rabid Fun

John Cowart's Daily Journal: A befuddled ordinary Christian looks for spiritual realities in day to day living.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Bambi Doesn't E-mail Me Anymore

Some server problems fixed, but still having problems. Please see note at top of March 25th posting.

Monday, Donald repaired some of the glitches in my websites. On his blog today, he gives an explanation of what’s wrong and what he’s doing about it. His blog address is http://slackv.blogspot.com/ .

I don’t understand what he says there but you computer people will.

I took a computer basics for seniors at the local library to increase my level of computer skills.

I can cut.

I can paste.

Anything beyond that, I rely on Donald’s expert help.

I would have been hopelessly entangled in the net long ago without him.

My dedicated e-mail site is back up, and after weeks of getting nothing, I find 84 messages dating back to February on my screen this morning. If you have messaged me and have no response, I’ve not been ignoring you; your mail was clogged by cat hair in the system.

The denial of service attack screws up several of my other computer functions also. At least, I think the attack is responsible — but maybe not.

My book sales dropped drastically recently. Either readers have suddenly developed good taste, or maybe the drop is caused by readers not being able to access www.bluefishbooks.info . Comments I make on other people’s blogs have not made posting; and I suppose comments other folks have made on my blog were hindered also.

The morning devotions I used to read daily were also curtailed, and my photo gallery disappeared. Those are other problems Donald is working on now.

This denial of service attack bugs me.

I feel I should have recognized it sooner.

My first clue was that Bambi stopped sending me e-mail.

Ever since Donald first gave me a computer three years ago, without fail every morning’s e-mail brought a message from Bambi offering me various unsolicited erotic sexual favors.

Yes, I have a spam filter, but Bambi, a resourceful girl, always got her message across.

I always deleted her messages unopened.

This was not because of my high sense of Christian morality but I just didn’t want to pick up some unsolicited virus. I have the impression that Bambi never denied her services to anybody.

But, I’ll admit, her subject lines intrigued me.

When she stopped e-mailing me, I missed her cheerful greeting each morning.

I wondered why she’d stopped. I sort of half-way worried that something bad may have happened to her.

Then I started wondering if the poor girl may have clicked on my website and saw my photo there. Maybe seeing it, she decided that there are some things she just won’t do for either love or money.

The girl has her standards.

Anyhow, Bambi’s e-mails don’t get through to me anymore.

I miss her.

It was kind of nice to feel wanted.

Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 8:55 AM


At 11:52 AM, Blogger The MacBean Gene said...

Thanks for stopping by, John. Hope you get your server problems fixed. It's great when us seniors have a young tutor to straighten us out.
Leonard Skinnard has a line in one of their songs about the St. John's River flowing south to north. It's a very scenic river.
Take care

At 12:44 PM, Blogger Tink said...

Hey, if you got to click on her profile you might find someone who looked alot like me. Now that would be REALLY scary. HH.

At 2:37 PM, Blogger John Cowart said...

Hi Tink,
No way could Bambi look any nicer than you!


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