Rabid Fun

John Cowart's Daily Journal: A befuddled ordinary Christian looks for spiritual realities in day to day living.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

E-People I Absolutely E-Love

In the year I've been posting a blog, I have come to e-love the e-people I have met.

Here are a few of them listed with some reasons I like them so much. Please check out their sites and say hello.

I’m doing it this way because in the Computers For Senile Seniors course I took at the library, I never learned how to work that sidebar thing. And if my list is not exactly alphabetical it’s because I never learned the alphabet all that well either.

Big White Hat — http://bigwhitehat.blogspot.com/ — Intriguing guy. This is the man John Wayne wanted to be. Of course, he’s from Texas, where else. And he writes children’s books. His autistic son, Tiger, inspires inspiring posts on this blog.

Boobs — http://boobsinjuriesanddrpepper.blogspot.com/ — Ever try to breast feed a kitten? She got a great new dog, Dusty. Neutered him. Her daughter keeps a pet rat; it’s neurotic.. Arthritis makes her type with one hand better than I can type with two.

Career Guy — http://careerguy.blogspot.com/ He’s back to work after a two-week Caribbean cruise. But don’t hate him, he’s worried about getting stuck in an elevator. He’s not a wiseguy – he’s a wise man.

Chris — http://chrismacfie.blogspot.com/ Stand aside. Chris, a nursing student in England, is learning to drive a car. Her normally exuberant youthful charm has been dampened a bit recently by the death of a young friend. She seeks to follow God in joy, in trials and in dissecting a heart.

Darlene — http://wwjblog.blogspot.com/ Last Friday Darlene and her friends posted the first issue of an on-line Christian Women Online, a magnificent undertaking.In her daily postings Darlene always has something worthwhile to say; although sometimes, I think she’s the sneakiest Christian on the internet. She can make a bologna sandwich into a religious experience.

Donna — http://commakat.blogspot.com/ — She dresses in black. She wears her long hair in a bun. She’s pregnant for the first time. She watches tv. She puts little suede boots on her dog. She’s a librarian who makes all this information fascinating.

Eveq — http://www.eveyq.blogspot.com/ — Rural librarian fights rattlesnakes, reads to dogs, knits afghans, plays with kitties, and spreads joy. I’m proud to call her my daughter!

Eric — http://panic-e.blogspot.com/ — This police dispatcher in Alaska collects pantyhose. He claims they are to use in case Augustine Volcano erupts. I have no doubt that he is an honest man… and a great writer.

Faith — http://faithinflorida.blogspot.com/ — She mourns for her sister who died suddenly just before Christmas, yet she keeps the faith. Her next baby is due in 143 days.

Funky Bug — http://funkybug.blogspot.com/ — A free spirit if there ever was one. And a great photographer. Her husband broke his leg recently. She says she didn’t do it. Although when she posts a rant, I wonder just what she is capable of. She put a new template on her site last week. But even though her blog is covered with liquor glasses, she’s sometimes been known to blog while sober. Don’t tell her I said so, but I think she’s a closet Puritan.

Gene — http://oldhorsetailsnake.blogspot.com/ — Think of a distinguished elderly gentleman who has mellowed with age, and you won’t be thinking of Gene. Irascible, irreverent, and wise, that’s him. At age 76, he observes the world from a nursing home in the same town where my brother-in-law is a physician. Daily, Gene posts my favorite kind of groaner jokes as well as photos and cartoons I never see anywhere else. There’s a reason for that.

Heather — http://epnurse.blogspot.com/ — This nurse in lead armor loves shiny things. Today, she uses the phrase “control freak” three times in four lines of print, but if you ever get sick, she’s the one to ask for.

Jade — http://azjade.com/archives/2005/08/18/its-all-about-the-females/ From her new home this llama lady hosts a radio blog as well as one of the most technologically sophisticated sites I’ve seen. And as a writer, well she makes peeling hardboiled eggs interesting.

Jamie — http://jamiesmindlessblather.blogspot.com/ She lost her voice but speaks eloquently and often. She claims not to be in the Federal Witness Protection Program but she’s moved seven times in the past 2 ½ years.

Jellyhead — http://jellyheadrambles.blogspot.com/ — This charming physician on the underside of the world yearns for lost love & disco dancing; her beautiful children may grow up, but I hope she never will. Her child-like sense of wonder is a delight.

Jen — http://jlkrzys.blogspot.com/ — She got the job! She got the job! She got the job! YEAH! Knew she could do it!

Just Thinking — http://theothersideofthecircle.blogspot.com/ For some reason her postings remind me of an ancient white statue of a Greek goddess standing on a green windswept hill overlooking the Aegean. Read her poetry and see for yourself.

Karen — http://nerakf.blogspot.com/ Karen, a Christian youth worker in Wales, exhibits an enthusiasm for God in her thoughts and questions. She is a lady of indisputable good taste, refinement and culture as proven by the fact that she was the very first person to ever leave a comment on my blog.

Kim — http://emergiblog.blogspot.com/ — Old-time medical ads, up-to-date medical information, a soft-caring heart, and glamour-girl charm characterize the writing of this emergency RN. I never know what to expect when I click on her site, but it’s always worthwhile.

K. Jones, King of WilkeWorld — http://wilkeworld.blogspot.com/ His royal highness is a Utah Mormon. His father-in-law shot himself in a tender place. His young daughter, Touchdown, believes God wears pink flipflops (Sept. 14th post). His Teenage daughter is a swimming champ. He sports a manatee as the mascot of his on-line kingdom… and he is a really fine writer.

Moogie — http://www.moogiesworld.com/index.php I could spend all day in Moogie’s World. Even when she blogs about troubles, she leaves readers refreshed. And she posts some of the coolest graphics anywhere.

Platypus — http://lastblogstanding.blogspot.com/ — Platypus works in an emergency room of a metropolitan hospital in Dankstown where he compassionately observes life in the raw. He also ventures into boarded-up abandoned buildings to take astounding photos. Thus, he presents readers with a double whammy well worth reading and seeing.

Robin — http://alittlebitofmetosee.blogspot.com/ — Robin recently went insane and invited eight pre-teen girls to a sleep-over for her daughter! Yet she keeps up a photo gallery with hauntingly beautiful landscapes. She must live in one of the nicest areas in the country and she posts new photos almost every day.

Seth — http://www.sethsblog.com/ — A military man recently having served in Iraq, Seth presents his unique worldview with power and cynicism. His no-crap social outlook makes me think. A lot. Not for the faint-hearted, his blog often surprises me. This guy's cooler than a polar bear's balls!

Slackv http://slackv.blogspot.com/ — This is the nicest guy I’ve ever met. This is the smartest guy I’ve ever met. He’s darn near as handsome as his dad. . He also hosts a site where you can record your dreams at http://www.dreamlibrary.org/ ; a high-tech computer journal at http://slashdot.org/%7Edcowart/journal/ ; A Geek Bible translation program at http://www.rdex.net/projects/KJV_Translation/index.php ; an on-line daily devotional program at http://www.rdex.net/devotions.php and a Linux site with a lot more stuff at http://www.rdex.net/ .

Sweetie — http://sweetietime.typepad.com/sweetietime/ — In real life, Sweetie produces live theatre plays, although she does some mundane stuff too. She’s producing Mid Summer Night’s Dream at the moment. She and my wife are among the few people in the whole world who know Accokeek.

Tony — http://fuggettaboutit.blogspot.com/ — Got to be the funniest man on the web! He’s a bank president. He’s been married 27 years - in a row! And his wife has a sword.

Waiter — http://waiterrant.net/ Waiter serves people. He also serves cuisine and find wines in an up-scale bistro. He records deep thoughts as he observes both high end clientele and street people he encounters. For instance a recent post told of sharing a genuine Cuban cigar with a bum. Another tells of a lady dinner who… Well, Waiter is too much of a gentleman to say her clothing was too tight, but he did say he could read the serial number on her breast implants.

Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 1:26 PM


At 2:52 PM, Blogger FunkyB said...

Honestly, I DIDN'T DO IT! And if I did, boy, talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

And I'll have you know that I haven't had one single drop of alcohol in almost two weeks. Hmmm... maybe that's what inspired my new template.

Somebody told me you called me a Puritan. I promise not to get mad, if you'll just enlighten me as to what exactly that means ;)

At 3:46 PM, Blogger John Cowart said...

Dear Funkyb,
In spite of the bad rap they get in modren times, from reading their own comtemporary journals, letters and diaries, I think the Puritans were among the most joyfull folks ever. In the midst of their deep faith, they celebrated life in all aspects with happy realism, sensuality and caring. They questioned, they loved, they stood firm for what they believed -- they remind me of you.

At 5:13 PM, Blogger FunkyB said...

Well of COURSE I took it as a compliment, John! Hee hee.

I just really didn't have a clue what that meant. Thank you for the history lesson.

Lovingly signed,
A Proud Puritan

At 5:14 PM, Blogger Career Guy said...

I am honored to be included in such a distinguished list! Now here I am with a whole new list of blogs to check out while trying to keep up with the ones I already read!

At 10:36 PM, Blogger jellyhead said...

Good golly, when am I ever going to find time to do the housework, when I have all these new blogs to check out?! Thanks for the recommendations. And thank you so much for what you said about my blog :)

At 5:50 AM, Blogger Karen said...

John, I am very flattered by your comments! Something to lighten an otherwise dull Monday morning off.

I don't think Chris will be very impressed though! Can you change then entry so it says her address and not mine!!

Keep going with God and keep sending out those challenges.

At 8:22 AM, Blogger John Cowart said...

Sorry Karen & Chris, I goofed. That happens on rare occassions. I've just corrected my mistake. -- jwc

At 7:21 PM, Blogger Heather said...

Thanks John! Did I really say control freak that many times? LOL

At 9:40 AM, Anonymous Sweetie said...

John! Hey! Thanks for the nice mention. Your line about your wife and I being the only ones in the whole world who know where Accokeek is just cracked me up!

Thanks for reading and posting on SweetieTime :).

Your posts are quite funny and fascinating -- I'm hooked, John!

At 11:43 PM, Blogger Eric said...

Oh you are hilarious, Mr. Cowart.

I am humbled by your praise.

As for the pantyhose, sometimes there is just no point in explaining too much.

At 12:35 AM, Blogger just thinking said...

John! Thank you for your kind words ! How are you ?

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you!
[url=http://sdomitwq.com/dtbz/wmgi.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://xypncuya.com/bxmt/vizm.html]Cool site[/url]

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work!
My homepage | Please visit

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good design!
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