The Blind Leading The Blind
Wednesday I helped a lady who is legally blind set up her brand new blog.
Considering that my own computer skills range all the way from cut to paste, this was a major undertaking.
It was a real life case of the blind leading the blind.
But we did get her registered and set up so she can begin her own postings.
If you’re inclined, drop in on her site and welcome her to the wonderful world of bloging in a comment box. Her site is called P&J’s Dog House and the address is .
Her home is infested with those little yapping animals I call rats but Mexicans call dogs, and we laughed because neither one of us can spell Chihuahua. She needs to trade her five Chihuahuas in and upgrade to a seeing-eye German Shepherd that I’m not as likely to step on when I visit.
In the morning, my friend Wes called and took me to breakfast at Dave’s where he explained -- at length -- the system of Hebrew vowel points in the Massoretic text of the Old Testament comparing those with an engraved copy of the Decalogue in paeleohebraic script on a rock carving.
While he explained, I folded my napkin to look like a ducky.
Wes has a heart much bigger than his brain.
Back at my house we lit up our pipes and talked about the phrase “Glory to God in the Highest…”
I asked what it means to give glory to God and how do we do that???
Wes, who is an expert in Greek as well as Hebrew, used the English word phenomenal to explain:
Phenomenal is made up of two Greek roots, one has to do with mental activity, the other with physical activity.
Wes taught me that we glorify God first by our mental assent that God is who He says He is in the Bible. That’s what we believe in our hearts. Then our physical activities are to spring from that assent; that’s what we say with our lips and live in our lives.
In other words, we glorify God by both faith and works.
Trying one without the other is like trying to row with one oar, or to eat Chinese food with one chopstick.
And so the seraphim before the throne ever cry, Holy! Holy! Holy. Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory, O Lord Most High”.
And the angels told the shepherds “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, Peace, good will toward men”.
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 6:19 AM

I look forward to meeting this woman, I hope she doesn't notice the zit on my lip, but I'll take my chances and pop in for a visit.
Do you think she has any Idea how many people will visit her because of this post? I'm on my way.
Count me in. I'm on my way as well.
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