Somebody Moved Columbus Day
Many thanks to those of you who have ordered copies of Glog. Your response really makes me feel good.
Now that I’ve published Glog, I feel numb, not knowing what to do next. I’d thought of a Christmas book but I really don’t have enough material to make the book I envisioned worth the money it would cost. I’m thinking of re-issuing a collective biography of people whose faith inspires me. It’s been out or print for years except in foreign language translations… I’m still mulling that over.
For next Wednesday, October 12th, I’d planned to post a blog about Christopher Columbus but yesterday Ginny informed me they’ve moved Columbus Day to today so they can link it to a weekend.
I didn’t know that.
I checked my calendar and sure enough, they’ve moved Columbus Day.
No one I know get that day off, so I can’t phantom why they’d move the day.
Is the 4th of July tomorrow?
Anyhow, Christopher Columbus blogged in the style of his day; i.e. he kept a daily journal of his activities, a log of his voyages. Back in the mid 1980s I wrote a profile of Columbus which quotes a bit from his blog. If you’re interested, please check out this link to The Admiral Of Mosquitoes .
At the grocery store yesterday, I picked up a plastic bag planning to put some peaches in it. At the counter a young man blocked my way as he examined peaches carefully. He hefted each one. He rubbed it up and down the skin of his bare arm. He lifted it to his face and sniffed it closely. He licked the peach. Then he put it back on the display counter. And picked up another one…
I looked around for a store employee but of course none was in sight.
I decided not to buy any peaches today.
Oddly enough, the young man didn’t buy any either; he just left the counter having examined six or eight....
Do I wash produce enough?
The national news Friday said that today churches would be celebrating Porn Sunday. I planed to go to church. I even shaved to get ready. But Ginny said they would not be showing movies in church. So I said phooey on it and we dabbled in our garden instead of going.
Sunday, Jamie Dawn’s husband (I don’t know his name) posted his first blog and it’s a dozy. He talks about developing a personal vision. Ginny & I talked about his advice for hours and as a result of our discussion we arrived at several decisions including quitting a civic group where we have been active. We really found this blog really helpful.
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 6:28 AM

I am commenting on your site the same time as your comment just came in to mine. Funny. I almost bought your book last night, I was at the point where I needed to put in an email etc. and then I said, "later." I will do it! It's a good price and I'm curious.
Ah, Darlene,
Your comment here tells the story of my life. "I almost bought your book..." How many times I have heard those words! LOL!
Thank you so much for the kind things you say about me in your blog this morning. That was such a happy surprise. You made my day.
Ah, Darlene,
Your comment here tells the story of my life. "I almost bought your book..." How many times I have heard those words! LOL!
Thank you so much for the kind things you say about me in your blog this morning. That was such a happy surprise. You made my day....
The web address for Darlene's blog is
But!!! This word verification thing won't let me make a comment on my own blog; it keeps changing the squiggly letters faster thyan i can copy them! Help! I'm trapped in the web...
To answer Karen's question:
Must be an easier way, but to make a pdf file, I first write the text as a Word document. Then I click on file and save it as a html document.
Once that comes on the screen, again I go to file and save as a pdf document.
That's going around the barn but it works for me.
Good luck with it. PS: I tried to asnwer by e-mail but was blocked from replying.
Just poped over from Dar's site. I might almost buy your book also. LOL
The peaches thing is hitonious! Sounds like that guy is a mental case. EEeeeeew!
Thanks for the link to my Hubby's site. He will have a lot of great stuff there in the future. He is great at what he does!
Thanks for the visit, the kind words and the link. So, let me get this straight, because of my post you didn't go to church and you quit your civic group? I'm really adding to the strength of society aren't I?
Hi Hubby,
In our case, yes you are.
I was shocked today when I went to the bank and it was closed for a holiday. Working for the state, we get Yom Kippur off. I thought I was losing my mind!
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