Prayer And Fantasy
Labora est Ora
I did not feel like writing Thursday so I used the day to mow the yards, ours and our neighbor’s. This task usually takes me about six hours. That may indicate the size of the yards, or it may just show how slow I move.
I’ve heard a Latin motto, Labora est Ora, which means “Work is prayer”. I think that means that when we want some desired end, we both ask God for it and physically work for it ourselves. Since our physical actions are limited, ora is more powerful than labora. But both try to accomplish the same end.
I’ve never actually tried this but I suppose that I could pray for the grass to stay short. I doubt that would work. I think that God wants us to do certain things for ourselves.
I remember the old joke about the guy who heard that prayer can move mountains. He had this mountain in his backyard so he decided to spend the night in fervent prayer that it would be moved. He agonized in prayer. He claimed the promise. He strained all night to have faith and believe.
Next morning he looked out the window.
The mountain still stood there.
But there in his backyard a miracle had happened. Over night there had miraculously appeared a brand new wheelbarrow and a shovel.
Occasionally, I pray for people and about things as I mow the lawn.
But not today.
I did not pray as I worked.
Today, what I did was fantasize.
What will I do with that 16 million dollars when I win the Lottery?
That’s what I thought about all day long as I pushed the mower.
Hey, I know we can’t serve both God and Mammon –
But I try.
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posted by John Cowart @ 4:36 AM

I hope you do win millions in the lottery. In fact, I will pray that you will. So if you win, it will be because I prayed. I hope you thank me in cash for praying for you. One wheelbarrow full will be enough or a small mountain of cash will do.
I don't know if I've ever shared this, but I used to take prayer walks. I'd get the little ones off to school, then hit the outdoor track. I always got through, "Dear God..." but usually ended up mentally cleaning the house or cursing the skinnier girl just in front of me.
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