A Happy Day With Ginny
At dawn Saturday Ginny & I ventured out into the backyard in robes and slippers to fill the bird feeders and enjoy our coffee on the patio. I played around with the digital camera Donald had given us. Here’s a photo of Ginny with a ginger lilly:
After breakfast we went for a long drive in the country passing acres covered with goldenrod, morning glories and black-eyed susans. We visited Eve’e library and enjoyed a wonderful time browsing in this brand new collection. Apparently there was a local football game so hardly anyone else was in the library so we essentially had the place to ourselves.
Eve is asking the town Four H Club or the Future Farmers of America to landscape the area outside the huge picture windows the lounge. But she ask Ginny and me to think about being backup to do the job in case the local organizations can’t. So we strolled around outside (watching for snakes) planning which plants to put in. We want low-maintenance plants in a variety which would ensure something blooming outside that window all year long.
Funny thing is that this weekend up north Gin’s mom and Dad are spearheading the landscaping of their local library. They both hold Master Gardner certification.
Ginny found several books by a favorite author and enthusiastically told me about them in the library’s conversation pit. Eve snapped this photo of us talking surrounded by the books we checked out:

For lunch Eve drove us to an eatery which was packed with local hunters engrossed in conversation anticipating the opening day of deer season. And, eavesdropping I learned that today only the feed and grain store is having a special on hammers. I loved the Florida accents I heard all around me as these good people talked about things close to their hearts and phrases like, “We’ll be lifting you up in prayer about that” are natural parts of a conversation about dogs, not just church words.
As we drove back home Gin & I began planning in earnest about a vacation trip out in the piney woods for ourselves.
In a different vein: Donald has begun a new Slashdot technical journal about ??? (I read some recent postings but I have no idea what the journal is about) The computer literate will love it.
Recently he also added to the free e-mail devotionals he offers daily. This latest set comes from Octavius Winslow, a 19th Century Nonconformist minister. It is a little easier reading than Donald’s technical journal. Check it out at Daily Walking With God at http://rdex.net/devotions.php
Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 5:58 AM

What a lovely day!
Love the pics.
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