All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go
According to the counter software Donald installed, 3,392 readers have visited my web site and 786 readers have visited my blog so far this month.
That scares me.
Will I disappoint these readers when they call again?.
I feel under pressure, compelled to say today something more witty and spiritual and mind boggling than I said yesterday.
But I got nothing!
This morning, Ginny says that’s ok; I can just be my self. I think she means witless, unspiritual and mind boggled. So here goes:
I woke up at 1:30 a.m. Tuesday to catch up ed-mail and such before I prepared myself to spread light and joy and gospel and helpfulness throughout the world as I drove J to the hospital for her operation at noon. So I shaved and dressed and put on shoes (I usually work all day barefoot so this was a sacrifice). I set the security system and the dogs so I could walk out the door immediately when she arrived. (I was supposed to drive her car).
Then I waited.
And waited.
And waited.
At 1:30 p.m. she called saying the operation has been postponed.
I was not needed.
All dressed up and no place to go.
Now what?
I could start work on the next book; but I want to be fresh for that.
I could browse porno; but my back ached too much to sit at the computer for that.
I could go out and mow the lawn; but I didn’t want to start so late in the day.
Ginny says that sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is to take a nap.
So that’s what I did.
That was my Tuesday.
Monday afternoon Ginny visited the doctor to have her hearing tested.
He said she hears well for a 90-year-old woman; trouble is that she won’t be 90 for decades and decades yet. He said she should have gotten a hearing aid 30 years ago!
Her hearing loss makes for many an interesting conversation around our house.
For instance, we’ll be at the table and I’ll say, “Please pass the salt”.
My Beloved will look up and reply, “I love you too”.
Now, its very nice that she’s is so accustomed over the years to hearing me say “I love you” that she assumes that is what I just said… But that doesn’t get me the salt.
She has adjusted so well to her hearing loss that most people do not realize she has a problem. At work she keeps her phone on the loudest setting and she hangs a mirror above her computer terminal so she can see when anyone comes in the office behind her.
Oh, Oh. I just remembered. Here’s something cool. When one of her former bosses met me at a party he said, “Virginia hardly ever says anything, but nobody can walk in that office for five minutes without knowing that she’s a Christian”.
That’s her presence.
I’m so blessed to be her husband. If anybody were ever to write my biography, it would be a love story.
Anyhow, her hearing is getting worse and we discussed this hearing aid thing at length. She needs two of them and each one will cost us more than our car would sell for! So we’ll cut into the money we’ve been squirreling away for a vacation trip and spend it on the hearing aids. (We still plan our trip; it’ll just have to be cheaper).
She goes in for a fitting next week.
We talked about praying for healing – and we do – but Ginny said, “Until God gets around to healing me, I want to go with the mechanical aid”.
I’m in love with a practical woman.
Yes, I already get plenty of loving around here – but next week I’ll get salt too.
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 9:03 AM

I think when you grow up, you should be a writer....
great post!
I'll be praying that the money comes in for the "mechanical aid" for Ginny's that you won't have to take a cheaper vacation.
Enjoy your new salted cuisine!
Today I clicked on The Ugliest Picture in the Whole World . . . Or the most Beautiful. I hadn't seen it before, and I have to tell you that you really know how to say what you say so that the point is unmistakable, irrefutably conclusive, and spelled out in a way that nobody could possibly take offense or shout it down. Needless to say that "Picture" grabs the reader and doesn't let go. It grabbed me, and I've read and heard the text before, but not presented just like that. The "picture" part was new to me, as was some of the other research attributions. Great job. -- K.
You are such a fabulous writer. You take daily life and infuse it with humor and inspiration. I adore this blog.
Witless? No way, John.
I come to see you every day. So you must be fabulous or else what would that say about me? ;-)
Thanks for visiting my Blog, I'll add you to the blogroll if I can remember how, dang 'puters.
I get fancy witht he passwords but make them so hard I cannot remmeber them.
Great writing by the way.
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