Yum. Yum.
I spent Friday waiting on standby but my talents were not needed for the project I’d prepared for.
Another wasted day in a wasted life.
Ginny & I have fallen into a rut as far as our usual Friday Night Dates are concerned. We eat at the same few favorite restaurants, walk in the same few parks, or browse in the same ol’ stores.
We’ve been looking for variety.
So this morning when we opened the front door to go to work, we were happy to find a flyer on the mat announcing the opening of a new neighborhood restaurant just around the corner from us.
Wow! That’s great. Maybe it’s just what we’re looking for.
Standing with the car door open, we eagerly perused the sample menu.
The first thing to catch my eye was a breakfast offering of Cod Fish & Dumplings…
For breakfast???
Leading the lunch menu was Goat Curry.
Does that really say Macaroni and Cheese Stir Fry?
Beverages include Fruit Punch, Carrot Juice, Ting, Sorrel and Irish Moss. A Glass of water at the new place costs $1.25.
Their deserts include Black Fruit Cake and peas???
Yes, peas.
I announced that we’d give the place a try for our date this evening.
Ginny refused to consider it.
The woman has no sense of culinary adventure. … I’m so glad!
Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 2:56 AM

Sounds very interesting. As unique as parents are, they have some of the same traits. Dad wanted to take Mum to Egypt, she refused.
Scared of the new, or scared of the change? Hmmm...
You've GOT to go and try it out.
I'm anxious to hear about it.
Come on, Ginny!! Be brave.
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