When You Can't Work On One Thing...
The ground squishes wherever I step.
I’d promised to mow my neighbor’s lawn Friday but rain from Hurricane Ophelia, now 200 miles due east of Jacksonville, saturated the ground. I can’t push a mower through tall, wet grass. So I cleaned their pool instead.
When you can’t work on one thing, work on another.
Since my work on Glog frustrated me so, I tabled it till next week and worked on two other books instead. I’ve got the Christmas book material together. And I scanned into the computer one of my previously published books, a collective biography, which has been out of print. I want to re-issue it.
Each book requires a different set of computer skills which I don’t have. So I inch forward with this or that, a book, a chapter, a page, or a word at a time.
Ginny came home from work frustrated and upset over her day. She needed to cry on my shoulder for a while. She’s sick of doctors. She’s exhausted from work and just needed to unload.
She had one of those days. You know, a day when everybody in the world has taken Assertiveness Training Classes -- except you.
We went out for dinner at a familiar place and then strolled along the riverbank in the moonlight for a while. With the hurricane moving east at the moment and the tide ebbing, the St. Johns has never looked more beautiful. We watched a cruise ship dock and a train cross the railroad bridge.
I held her hand and listened.
I want to be a hero for Ginny and slay all her dragons; but, for tonight, just being there to lean on seemed to be enough.
Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 4:36 AM

You were there for her... that means a lot.
Ophelia is a real tease!
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