Stormy Day
I thought it was thunder.
Hurricane Rita, one of the most powerful storms on record, is over 500 miles away from Jacksonville but the tv weathermen say that the heavy rain falling outside my window is one of this storm’s feeder bands.
About noon Wednesday the lightening and thunder intensified so I shut down my computer and unplugged it.

While I continue to wait for the corrected copy of my Glog manuscript I’m scared to put away all the clutter in our living room (piles of books, maps, notes, printouts) for fear I’ll just have to dig them out again in fact checking.
I’m anxious to get Glog to the printer. I know that this will happen in God’s own good time but I want it done NOW! But I have to wait patiently on the Lord – Who is notorious for dragging His feet when we’re in a hurry.
I once heard a preacher say, “God may not get here when we want Him, but when He does arrive, He’s never late”.
One problem with being a Christian writer is that I have to live Christian too.
I can’t just write about it.
Another problem is that my own words often return to bite me on the ass.
For instance, today as I gnawed in impatience at having to wait, I kept recalling a chapter** from one of my earlier books (now published as I’m Confused About Prayer) in which I describe the virtues of waiting patiently.
I wish I hadn’t written that.
On another front: Rats have invaded Ginny’s office building, the new construction the agency just opened in August. Have recent rains driven them in? Did they get moved over from the old building in file drawers? Had they taken up residence during the long delays in construction?
Ginny, who for years has supplied the office with candy, bought a new, glass rat-proof candy dish to go on her desk.
The administration is all aflutter about the rats.
They combat the vermin by issuing memos.
Nothing rats hate more than a good memo.
(** Sorry, I could not make the link thing work this morning.)
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posted by John Cowart @ 4:59 AM

John, quick question now that you are almost wrapping up Glog. Once the manuscript goes to the printer, how long does it take for them to process it and have the finished product in your hands? I have always wondered.
When we lived on our ranch, we often had to fight infestations of mice. That was bad.
Rats would be the last straw. Yucky!!
A memo just won't do the trick. D-Con will kill the buggers, but then they will crawl up in some tight space and die and stink to high heaven.
I understand the patience thing... a virtue I never asked to be gifted with, and yet keep getting tested on.
Rats! Eek! They wouldn't like the type of memo I have in mind.
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