One Downer Of A Posting:
Depression is such an Everest of a feeling that it overwhelms.
I’ve avoided writing in my journal or my blog the past couple of days. I’ve felt that nobody wants to hear me whine. I think readers have enough downers in their own lives that normally I want my writing to give them a lift. So I try to enter bright sunny postings reflecting the joys of a Christian life.
That’s dishonest.
Yes, I am a Christian.
Yes, I am a happy man.
But there is a flip side to my life also.
And recently I’ve been pissing against a spiritual wind.
But that’s shameful and I don’t want readers to know about that side of me. I have a reputation to maintain. I don’t want to give folks another reason to reject Christ; I don’t want to bring reproach on His name. I want readers to think I’m a nice guy.
So, I lie.
I pretend to be happier, cooler, more spiritually in touch than I really am.
Well, this past week my faith has hit the fan.
Over the years I have written scads of biographical profiles of successful businessmen for Chamber of Commerce type magazines. I’ve also written a number of biographical sketches of outstanding Christians. And one thing always bothers me in collecting materials for such articles: biographers tend to tell only the good stuff about their subjects.
That bugs me and leaves me hopeless.
I mean if I’m reading a life of some spiritual giant hoping to find some inspiration and meaning in my own life, but all I read about are his successes, then what is there that I can relate to as I stumble through life without a clue?
Don’t these Real Christians ever have an off day? Aren’t they ever tempted to say, “To Hell with it”. Don’t they ever just give up and lay in the dust for a while before climbing to their feet and trudging on?
Maybe I’m just a hypocrite.
Maybe I’m not “Filled With The Spirit”.
Maybe I’m not a true, dedicated believer.
But I’m here.
I put a certain premium on honesty. I’ve resolved to be honest in my journal entries and record what’s there, not just what ought to be there. And I try to do that in this blog. The subtitle of this blog is “a befuddled Christian looks for spiritual realities in day to day living”.
Sometimes that spiritual reality is ‘Being A Christian Sucks”.
Am I still a Christian? Yes. As Peter said, “To whom should we go, Lord? You alone have the words of eternal life”.
Am I a hypocrite? Yes. I do want to put my best foot forward. (Once I even wrote a newspaper article about hypocrisy ).
So, anyhow even though today’s posting is a downer, it’s what I have to say today.
That’s what you get here: one miserable bastard -- and Jesus.
I hope someday some guy who’s down will read the stuff I write and say to himself, “You know, if a stupid looser like John Cowart can try to walk with God, maybe there’s hope for me too”.
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 4:57 AM

I admire your honesty above all. If anything that is a reason for people to turn to Christ.
Keep going, I'm sure there are many people who want to hear about the things you have to say, good or bad.
“You know, if a stupid looser like John Cowart can try to walk with God, maybe there’s hope for me too”.
You are NOT a stupid looser. I know I don't comment around here, but I do read. Your articles and your writtings have pulled me through a many darker days when I need that reminder of Christ and His love. It's so easy to loose sight, and although I don't go to church actively right now, I turn to your blog for that spiritual boost I used to get from my local minister.
Hypocricy is the reason I quit attending the church. It is so refreshing to hear of a Christian man deep in his faith speaking honestly. Being Christian does not mean that life is peaches and roses. It does not mean that there will not be dark days, days of depression or sadness. Those are the days that we need to be reminded of the Word and Christ even more. Too many try to pretend that just because they are faithful they never experience sadness or depression.
I, for one, thank you for all of your words. Good, bad, least we all know that we will get honesty from reading your writtings. I've grown to appreciate you far more than I've let you know, and for that I am sorry. I think you're amazing, and I also believe you were brought into my life for a very precise reason at this time and place. You've been a spiritual booster shot to a woman who needed it very badly.
And, because I still do, I will continue to read you as regularily as I always have. Thank you.
I agree with Karen. I never quite trust a Christina who never has a bad day.
I hope you feel better soon. You always brighten my day.
oops, that was supposed to read "Christian." You are NOT an Christina! ;-)
You are not a hypocrite. The fact that you share all that you do and that you're honest about having moments of weakness is admirable. Many Christians put on a happy face and make it seem that everything in life is perfect if you know Christ, when in fact everyone has "down" days. To show others that you have honest-to-goodness bum days is great. It proves that you are human...that you are fallible...and that you still have faith even when you are down.
Thank you for being so honest and forthcoming when most back into a corner and paste on a smile.
Sorry you're feeling down. It happens to all of us.
I thought your post had Truth to it and was refreshing.
Here's wishing you a better tomorrow, or not, either way you're good! :)
I love this song precisely because of what you wrote about today...
By Chris Rice
I would take no for an answer,
Just to know I heard you speak,
And I'm wondering why I've never,
Seen the signs they claim they see,
A lotta special revelations,
Meant for everybody but me,
Maybe I don't truly know You,
or maybe I just simply believe...
Cause I can sniff, I can see, and I can count up pretty high;
but these faculties aren't getting me any closer to the sky,
but my heart of faith keeps poundin' so I know I'm doin' fine
but sometimes findin you
is just like tryin to
smell the color nine.
Smell the color nine...
Now I've never felt the presence,
But I know You're always near,
And I've never heard the calling,
But somehow You've led me right here,
So I'm not lookin' for burnin' bushes,
Or some Divine graffiti to appear,
I'm just beggin You for Your wisdom,
And I believe You're puttin' some here...
Nine's not a color...
and if even if it were you can't smell a color,no
that's my point exactly.
I love honesty! Let it all hang out there!
Being a Christian doesn't mean a life of eating bons bons and living on easy street. That's televangelist nonsense. Real life means pain and heartache and problems to deal with.
I recently read a very interesting book on new ways of defining being a follower of Jesus and the purpose of faith and the church.
It is called: Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell
It's a little book, a quick read.
Hang in there and keep on trucking!! I will too.
Why do you think I come here every single day, John????
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