Generic Party

Saturday Ginny & I, along with over 600 other people, visited the Grand Opening of the Maxville Library. The Head Librarian herself lead the two of us on an extended tour of this magnificent new 8,500 square-foot facility with 14,000 items in the collection Yes, we saw thousands of brand new shiny books, video tapes, DVD discs; video conferencing equipment, donuts, lemonade, herds of children – everything bright, fresh and new.
As we talked with The Head Librarian, Branch Manager, about the success of this grand opening, she suggested that for lunch we try Kinsley’s Bar-B-Que just down the road. We found the place and enjoyed some of the best bbq I’ve ever tasted. A stuffed boar’s head decorates the dinning room, and it was two stuffed customers who left the building.
As soon as we arrived home Donald showed up to begin hosting the generic party. He brought a huge computer monitor for me and hocked it up. Now, I can see what I’m doing online. Then he prepared a lavish feast for family and friends. We gorged on shrimp kabobs, bean soup for the vegetarians among us, beef stroganoff, Krispy Kream donuts, three cakes, snack things, ice cream, marshmallows, and more.
Eve's libarian friend, Janeen (sp?) sent me an ancient, lovely editon of John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. I did not own a copy and I'm happy to get this 19th Century one.
We lit a bonfire fire in the fire dish by the fountain and we all feasted and talked in firelight and moonlight.
Unfortunately the engaged couple found other things to do so they didn’t show up (again) so Donald was disappointed about his friend’s failure to show (again). Guy should just have said, “No I don’t want to come” instead of stringing Donald along for hours as he’s done on previous occasions. But anyhow Jennifer & Pat invited several of their friends who and I enjoyed the conversation.
I feel I talked way too much. I’m sorry about that. Neal (Neil?) has a knack of asking questions that kept me gabbing – he has the skill art of an excellent conversationalist – while he said virtually nothing about himself. Poor Bill Ginny, Duval and Eve couldn’t get a word in edgewise because of my yakking continuously. I felt guilty after everyone left for home.
When Donald set this thing up, we’d agreed “no presents” (Ginny & I hardly ever exchange gifts). But Donald had seen two tasteful, cultured, works of fine art which he felt would blend with our décor. He gave Ginny a statue of a cat which even ardent cat-lovers found grotesque. She refused to let me photograph it.
But here’s a blurred photo (Below, taken by someone’s cell phone and e-mailed wirelessly to mycomputer) of the crab playing a guitar which he gave me; I'm the first on our block to own one!
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posted by John Cowart @ 11:25 AM

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