Our Highwire Act In Springfield

When they make the next Spiderman or Jackie Chan movie, tell the director that Ginny and I are qualified to play the staring roles because of our agile, graceful acrobatic ability.
Today we proved it by climbing up and down from great heights, 4 to 6 feet, while wielding a shovel and digging out old flower planters and one-handedly lifting 185 pound bags of new potting soil to that great heights to plant new lantana bushes.
Considering that I weigh almost 280 pounds, am just this side of 70, and that the only climbing I’ve done for years is to climb out of bed in the morning, I think I did great…
At one point I almost fell in the creek as Ginny tried to hoist my clumsy ass up on the bridge rail; but a wino in the park, God bless him, saw our distress and rushed over to help her lift me.
We all three fell to giggling. Poor bum looked as though it was the first time he’d laughed in ages and he seemed really pleased to be the one helping.
I could hardly balance on the highwire railing of the bridge to prance, gracefully from the pillion to the planter on the narrow railing which could not have been more that 18 inches wide. But, Wallenda, eat your heart out, I made it.
Yes, Ginny & I had great fun this morning planting lantana with a group of nice folks from SPAR (Springfield Preservation And Restoration). They were painting and sprucing up three bridges, designed by Jacksonville architect Henry Klutho in 1929, across Hogan Creek. They have undertaken this project to beautify their neighborhood.
Their website is http://www.downtownparks.com/ and they have a photo of one of the bridges on it. (My own website is still down! A pox on wavepath, grumble, grumble, grumble!)
We took turns as to which one risk his or her life climbing; one advantage of having a young wife is that, if need be, she can climb better.
We saw two delightful things as we played aerialist:
About noon a yellow bus pulled up beside Confederate Park, a hangout for many of Jacksonville’s homeless, herds of young people descended and began handing out sandwiches and soda’s to the insane, the drunk, the addicted, the AIDS sick, the depressed and the destitute, the Lord’s poor, who often rest in the park.
I was so pleased to see these teenagers acting so decently. I’m proud of them.
If I knew the name of the church I’d tell you. I did call out to one of the adult leaders asking the name of the church, but he ignored me.
Considering how shabby I was dressed and how filthy from the digging and from handling the treasures we found in the planters – I didn’t even know they made canary yellow condoms and I’m glad to see that Mad Dog 20-20 is still the wine of preference in Springfield — and that I was balanced on a bridge rail with sharp tools in my hand, the leader probably thought I belonged on the other side of the fence.
But anyhow, I’m delighted that this church is doing the right thing.
The other delightful thing we saw were ducklings. About 30 tiny bits of yellow fuzz herded by Mrs. Duck, came right up to us at the Hubbard Street Bridge.
Ginny Oh’ed over them. She looked so beautiful as she made over the little things.
I attempted to catch one for her to hold, but alas, there must be kryptonite in the potting soil because the ducks could run faster than I can waddle and they got away.
Dumb ducks!
Nevertheless, Ginny kissed me on the bridge so I had a wonderful day.
Later we went to Dave’s for lunch. Mark and Mary, waiters, had just come back from taking lunch to Jeanette who is too feeble to get out today. I was delighted that they’d take such care of the old lady who sometimes is a trial to them. I’ve resolved to start leaving bigger tips. They deserve it.
Then we went to the library and while Ginny got books, I looked over the meeting room where I’m supposed to give that lecture on Jax history so I could plan the layout for visuals…
O’ I don’t think I’ve mentioned it but a second library called the other day wanting another lecture…. Ummm, I wonder what Stephen King charges for personal appearances?
Home to nap after a happy day in the play park…. Wonder what she’d have done if I had actually caught one of those ducks???
Canary Yellow? Really!!!
Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 9:59 AM

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