John's Bag With Holes In It

Today I’m all too aware of the words of Haggai, the prophet who said, “You earn money only to put it into a bag with holes in it”!
Well, this internet website thing is certainly proving to be a bag full of holes.
For most of the week the server hosting my website,, has been down. No one can get to it.
Donald called last night saying that it may be better if we go to a dedicated server which will cost another $50 a month more than the money we are already putting into this bag with holes in it.
Holes such as the host server, domain names, ISBNs, DSLs, proof copies of my books, DVD discs, tapes & recorder for podcasting, ink cartridges for business cards and flyers, scanner, site management software – and a whole bunch of other holes.
All this to support my hobby of writing.
Maybe I should take up something cheaper.
Hey, there are golfers who spend less on their hobby than I do on mine.
They have fewer holes too.
But, in for a penny, in for a pound.
Ginny, Donald & I consulted and decided that perhaps my hobby also contains an element of Christian ministry and maybe it has the potential of helping someone, so we decided to pour the money into yet another hole ( I feel like we’re buying air) and go for the dedicated server.
So, if you can’t get to my website again today, please try again tomorrow. Within a couple of days we’ll have the new server and the site will be up and running again – unless, of course, we fall into another hole.
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 9:57 AM

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