My computer's been down so I'm playing catch up

Eve & Patricia had been to a yard sale this morning and bought me an old button (circa 1960?) with a Jacksonville City Slogan on it: “Tomorrow’s City Today”. I’d never seen one of these before and it makes a nice addition to my collection of Jacksonville ephemera.
Gin & I came home to watch tv: Charleton Heston in The Ten Commandments. Back about 1956, I saw this great movie in it’s first run in the Florida Theatre. Moving. Now, it runs on tv just about every Easter season.
Sunday, March 20, 2005, Palm Sunday
An odd thing at church this morning: Because of my macular degeneration my mind sometimes supplies meaning to the blurred things my eyes think they see. So, when I saw this large yellow bowl of white things on the altar, my brain concluded that the church was serving popcorn as part of the communion service!
Maybe this is not such an odd mental leap; no telling what innovation our madcap Episcopal bishops will come up with next.
Turns out that I was seeing a floral display of knotted white palm fronds on the altar. But my mind/eyes remained convinced that I was actually seeing a large bowl of popcorn.
After church Gin & I drove downtown and walked around a construction site where during the Civil War the enemy had a camp and fortifications but the construction workers have just scraped surface dirt and have not dug deep enough to uncover any artifacts.
Then Ginny took me to a unique home she’d seen the other day and we walked around the block admiring it. The owner has renovated an old brick store keeping the display windows and decorating the building with an array of old bottles, a grind stone, a train wheel, statues, bed springs, stained glass, driftwood and a host of other elements which form a delightful, pleasing collage. The place intrigued me. The most wonderful home in Jacksonville. What a happy place. I called Eve asking to borrow her camera so I can take photos of this delightful dwelling and post them on my website ( ) next month.
Eve & Patricia came over and we talked about odd homes, websites, books and so forth. Later Gin & I ate a late lunch at Salty’s Seafood then home to watch Cold Case.
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posted by John Cowart @ 10:23 PM

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