Sandy's Garden

            Many beautiful gardens grace homes in Jacksonville, Florida. Among the most noteworthy is

Sandy’s Garden  in the Riverside/Avondale area. Sandy, a writer for television news, died tragically

five years ago. Her family dedicated this lovely garden spot beside their home as a tribute to her.


            My son Johnny and I came across Sandy’s Garden while preparing a photo essay on the statues

 of Jacksonville. Sandy’s mother graciously allowed Johnny to snap these pictures.

--- john cowart

Click thumbnail to see full size image

Amid the flowers.JPG (1366542 bytes)

Approach to Sandy's Garden.JPG (1656047 bytes)

As a child, Sandy wore overalls like these .JPG (1488928 bytes)

Deer statue and fountain in Sandy's Garden.JPG (1288487 bytes)

Exploring Sandy's Garden.JPG (1451415 bytes)

Plaque in Sandy's Garden.JPG (1101311 bytes)

Secluded fountain in Sandy's Garden .JPG (1510987 bytes)

Sundial in Sandy's Garden.JPG (1265640 bytes)



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