Run Around Day
An Excerpt from John Cowart’s Journal:
John W. Cowart
Thursday, May 13, 1993:
Up early -- keenly aware that we only have food enough for three meals in the house.
* Drove Eve to Stanton.
* Drove Pat to James Weldon Johnson.
* Went to newspaper to meet Barbara
* Went to Barbara's bank in Southside where she loaned me $500.
* Back to the office to leave her and pick up Jennifer's car.
* Drove to Walgreens to buy pipe tobacco, deodorant, shampoo and hair tonic (out of all).
* Drove to our bank to deposit $250 for checks.
* Went to JEA to pay electric bill to avoid tomorrow's scheduled cut off.
* Gassed up car, which was near-empty when I borrowed it -- naturally.
* Returned home to divide up remaining money with Gin and Donald.
* Mailed payments for Sears Collection and phone bill.
* Ate some toast without butter for brunch.
* Called Mr. Barlow and paid late rent.
* Studied and indexed two works related to the God's leading book.
* Received an outraged call from Sears collection agency snot wanting more money than I'd mailed this morning -- he demanded more before the 29th of the month or they will sue me and destroy my credit rating. Told him to get in line.
* Saw Jennifer about the money I'd asked her for; she loaned me $50.
* Cooked supper -- a pasta with tuna/mushroom sauce.
* Made an emergency stretch-it-for-all-it's- worth menu.
* Drove with Gin to Winn-Dixie where we spent $47 on groceries which have to last till God-only-knows-when ???
* Got fussed at by Ginny for my negative attitude concerning my writing career and for not having finished the Cook's Book mss yet.
I've lived better days.
NOTE: While I was at the office this morning waiting for Barbara, I meet Bob, a very influential man, one of the best known in the city. Although he was high above me in the hierarchy of things when I worked there as a mail clerk, he and I had talked several times. He now tells me he has become a Christian from having been a near atheist and that his conversion, in some small part, was influenced by my actions in testifying of Christ, comforting him and mowing his grass back when his wife committed suicide. He's remarried now and has three grandchildren (one natural, two by adoption). He teaches Sunday School in a Baptist church. He spoke about praying for some of his relatives to get saved.
Ginny did go out job hunting today. No place she went would even accept her application!
Crashed into bed as soon as we got home from Winn-Dixie -- too tired to fuck, pray or read.
Woke screaming because of a bad dream:
Gin & I were on a high hill overlooking a river where our children and some other kids were swimming, jumping into the water, murky brown with silt, from an old wooden dock. From my vantage point I could see that huge alligators lurked just beneath the surface of the water. They spread out in a semi-circle all nosed toward the pier. Jaws open and waiting. Glare on the water hid the gators from the children, who were getting ready to dive in. I waved my arms and shouted warnings. But the kids were too far away to hear me. I woke terrified shouting, "There are alligators! Alligators!"
Ginny enfolded me in her arms, stroking my back and soothing me. "There aren't any alligators, John," she said. "There aren't any alligators. You're ok. It's alright. Everything's alright".
I drifted back to sleep in her arms.
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