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Browne, Sir Thomas. Religio Medici New york.
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Cowart, John W. People Whose Faith Got Them Into Trouble. Downers
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Edwards, Jonathan. Basic Writings. New York. New American Library.
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Finegan, Jack. Light From The Ancient past. Princeton University
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Foreman, Dale. Crucify Him: A Lawyer Looks At The Trial Of jesus.
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Gordon, S.D. Quiet Talks On Prayer. New York. Fleming H. Revell.
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Graham, Billy. Billy Graham Answers Your Questions. Minneapolis.
World Wide Publications. n.d.
Hallesby, O. Prayer Minneapolis. Augsburg Publishing House.
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Kempis, Thomas. Of The Imitation Of Christ Oxford University
Press. 1917.
Landers, Peggy. "An Interview With Terry Waite" (a
printout from a computer bulletin board mailed to me by a friend; I do not know
where it has appeared in pring although it is attributed to Knight-Ridder
Laubach, Frank C. Prayer The Mightiest Force In The World. Fleming
H. Revell Co. c. 1946
Law, William. A Serious Call To A Devout And Holy Life. London.
I.M. Dent & Sons LTD. 1906.
Lewis, C.S. God In The Dock. Grand Rapids, Mich. William B.
Eerdmans Publishing Co. c. 1970.
Loehr, Franklin. The Power Of Prayer On Plants. New York.
Doubleday. c. 1959.
Miller, Basil. Praying Hyde: A Man Of Prayer. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Zondervan Publishing House. c. 1943.
Moltmann, Jurgen. The Crucified God. San Francisco. Harper &
Row. c. 1974.
Murray, Andrew. The Prayer Life. Chicago. Moody Press. n.d.
Murray, Andrew. The True Vine. Chicago. Moody Press. n.d.
Pearce, Roy Harvey. editor. Colonial American Writing. New York.
Holt, Rinehart and Winston. c. 1950
Smedes, Lewis B. A Pretty Good Person. HarperSanFrancisco (sic).
Spurgeon, C. H. Evening By Evening. Grand Rapids, Mich. Baker Book
House. 1975.
Strong, James. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance To The Holy Bible.
Nashville, Tenn. Crusade Bible Publishers Inc. nd.
Swanson, Kenneth. Uncommon Prayer: Approaching Intimacy With God.
New York. Ballantine. c. 1987.
Taylor, Jeremy. The Rule And Exercises Of Holy Living. New York.
Harper & Row. 1970.
Tozer, A.W. The Knowledge Of The Holy. San Francisco. Harper &
Row. c.1961.
Unknown Christian. The Kneeling Christian. Grand Rapids, Mich.
Zondervan Publishing House. 1945.
Bible translations consulted included:
An American Translation, J.M. Powis Smith and Edgar J. Goodspeed.
University of Chicago Press. c. 1935.
The Amplified New Testament. New york. New Family Library. c.
The Catholic Study Bible
The Jerusalem Bible. New York. Doubleday. c. 1966
King James Version Of The Holy Bible.
King James II Version Of The Bible, Associated Publishers And Authors, Inc. Byron
Center, Michigan. c. 1971
The Living Bible, Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois.
The Holy Bible: A New Translation by James Moffatt,
Richard R. Smith Inc., N.Y. c. 1926
The New English Bible, Oxford University Press. 1970.
New International Version
Of The Holy Bible. Zondervan Bible Publishers. Grand Rapids, Mich. c. 1978.
The New Testament In Modern English translated by J.B. Phillips.
Macmillan Co. N.Y. c. 1960
The Bible: Revised Standard Version. American Bible Society, N.Y.
c. 1980.
The Bible In Today's English Version. American Bible Society, N.Y.
c. 1976
The Gospel Of St. Mark: A New Translation In Simple English From
The Nestle Greek Text by Edward Vernon. Prentice-Hall Inc. N.Y. c. 1952
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