upon a time there was a man who decided to test the power of prayer.
had read Matthew 17:20 where Jesus said, "If you have faith as small as a mustard
seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will
a mountain just happened to be visible from the man's back yard and he decided
to make it move by prayer.
picked a night for the feat and prayed all night long. He bore down and
strained till his face turned red as he prayed. He shouted and screamed and
agonized. He wrestled. He visualized the mountain as already moved. He reminded
God of the verse in Matthew. He thanked God beforehand for the feat. He exerted
himself. He urged God. He wheedled God. He commanded the mountain to move.
exhausted man stumbled into his back yard to see if the mountain really had moved. A wonder lay before his eyes!
mountain still stood where it always had -- but miraculously, there in the back
yard had appeared a brand new wheelbarrow and a shovel!
as we'd like to believe otherwise, while God does sometimes perform miracles,
he does not do tricks.
used to think that if only I had faith, if only I could bear down and believe
hard enough, then God had to do what I wanted.
can't control God.
is something different from that childish attempt at magic; even faith does not
allow people to control and manipulate God. He is not our sheep; we are his.
What is faith?
Bible defines faith as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of
things not seen.
is the substance of hope: it is what hope is made of, hope's material, hope's
do we ever need hope. A sign in the copier room at the University of North
Florida announces:
gives hope.
is also evidence.
a trial, evidence is any thing that furnishes proof about something which the
jury has not seen in person. We know Joe handled the gun because even though
nobody saw him, he left the evidence of his fingerprints.
have solid hope when we see God's fingerprints on a matter.
the NIV translates Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is being sure of what we hope
for and certain of what we do not see".
is a far cry from trying to make ourselves believe something which we doubt --
that's not faith but wishful thinking.
may not have moved a single mountain this week (has anyone ever), but you do
have more real faith than you think you do.
What did Jesus say about faith and
in mind that faith is evidence for hope's substance as we look at some
Scriptures which relate faith and prayer:
morning after Jesus withered the barren fig tree, he told his disciples,
"I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can
you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain,
'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. If you believe, you
will receive whatever you ask for in prayer".
-- Matthew 21:21-22 NIV
elaborates on this teaching in his Gospel:
faith in God... I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go,
throw yourself into the sea' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that
what he says will happen, it will be done for him. therefore I tell you,
whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will
be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone,
forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins".--
Mark 11:22ff NIV
How did James know about me?
sometimes I wonder if the Apostle James did not have my prayer life in mind
when he said, "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives
generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when
he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of
the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will
receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he
-- James 1:5-8 NIV
A frustrated Dad
link between faith and prayer runs all through the New Testament but, as the father
of six children, the one that I can identify with most personally occurs in Edward Vernon's translation,
Gospel of St. Mark. At the foot of the Mount of Transfiguration a man who's
just worried sick comes to Jesus and says:
"Sir, it is my boy here. I was bringing
him to you. Some evil spirit is making him dumb. When it attacks him, it seizes
him and throws him to the ground; and his teeth grind together and his lips
become covered with foam. His whole body becomes stiff and lifeless. I asked
your men to drive out the evil spirit, but they could do nothing."
"What a people you are!" said
Jesus. "Always more ready to believe evil things than in the Loving God.
How long shall I have to be with you before you believe in God? How long shall
I need to be patient with you? Bring the boy here."
They brought the boy to Him, but as soon as
the boy set eyes on Jesus the evil spirit rose in a frenzy within him and threw
him on the ground, rolling over and over and foaming at the mouth. Jesus turned
to the father. "How long has this been going on?"
"Ever since he was quite small,"
the father replied. "It even throws him into the fire, or into deep water,
as if trying to burn him or drown him. Oh, Sir! If you can do anything for him,
take pity on his mother and myself, and help us!"
"If I can do anything for him -- do you
say? Anything can be done for one who believes in God."
"But I do believe in God, honestly I
do," the father cried. "Do something to help me believe still
Jesus glanced around him. The crowd was
growing larger every minute, so without more delay He spoke sharply to the evil
"You deaf and dumb spirit, it is I who
am commanding you. Come out of him at once, and stay out!"
The thing shrieked within the boy; it twisted
him and threw him about in one last torture, and then -- out it came!... The
boy lay still and pale as a corpse. Everyone thought that he was dead. "He
has died," they whispered. But Jesus, bending down, took his hand and
lifted him to his feet and the boy stood up.
When they came to their lodging later in the
day, the Twelve asked Jesus privately why they had been so helpless in driving
out the evil spirit. Jesus replied, "There is only one way of mastering
things like that -- and that is the way of prayer."
-- Mark 9: 14-29 Vernon
Reading that passage always gives
me the shivers.
of the biggest fears I have as a father is that someone in my family might get
sick and I don't have hospitalization or any resources to help them. And one of
the biggest fears I have as a Christian is that, while I do believe, I don't
really believe enough when the chips are really down. I worry that I don't see
the answers to prayer that I want to see because I don't have enough faith. So
for me, this passage from Mark addresses these fears.
boy at the foot of the hill was in bad shape; his father had already taken him
to the top healers in the country and even in the presence of Jesus the kid was
still throwing a fit.
That's how this father felt. I can sure identify with him. Poor slob had
already done everything he knew of to do. He had no resources left.
wasn't even too sure that Jesus could help.
is the substance of hope -- even in the stark reality of our own helplessness.
By coming to Jesus with a helpless situation, you are already exercising faith!
You would not be praying in the first place if you did not already have faith
-- But faith does not eliminate all questions.
father questioned. The guy really wondered what was going on? Why is this
happening to me? Why my little boy?
distraught man questioned, "If you can do anything, take pity on his
mother and myself and help us.'
I can?' said Jesus. 'Everything is possible for him who believes.'
the boy's father exclaimed, 'I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!' Boy,
I sure can identify with this guy!
Questions in prayer focus faith;
they do not deny it.
and responses show that a conversation between two people is taking place. The
prayer of faith is not an incantation to control God.
don't ask the wall questions -- you address questions to a person.
is a key fact concerning prayer: We do not pray about stuff, we pray to a
you were not exercising faith, you would not be asking questions.
me it's interesting to note that this dad did not offered God any suggestions
about how to handle the situation. That's a temptation I often face; I have a
tendency to tell him not only what I think is wrong but also how to fix it. The
Lord ignores my advise in a surprising number of instances.
Fenelon said, "Can we better glorify God than by renouncing ourselves and
our own will and letting Him do according to his good pleasure... To wish to
serve Him in one place rather than another, by such and such a way, and not by
the opposite one, is to wish to serve Him in our own way, and not in His."
prayer of tenuous faith in this biblical example show us that the dad prayed
telling God about what he lacked. He did not demand that God act according to
his own personal preconceived solution. This father knew what he wanted and
he knew who to ask. And he trusted God
to work out the how.
Faith relates not to a thing,
feeling or event but to a Person.
see, faith in prayer is faith in a Person, not in a series of events. The
father and mother in this story did not have any idea how to solve their
they sought him who is the Help of the Helpless.
knowing the answers, they questioned the right Person.
and unsure of themselves, they turned to the One who is trustworthy.
in prayer is not a feeling you work up about a situation or event; faith in
prayer is an expression of that you have seen some evidence that there is
Someone who gives you hope.
is not gritting your teeth to believe something good about a bad situation;
faith can well be our tearful smile welcoming Jesus into the midst of our
losing battles against overwhelming odds, our blindness, our convulsions.
in prayer is not a tool to pry favors out of a reluctant God who is trying to
hold off doing good for you as long as possible. Faith does not rest in our
request, in our wrestling, or even in the result we envision: Faith is always
in the Person, not the thing.
me say it again: Efficacious faith in prayer always relates to the person we
pray to, not to the things we pray for.
like I've gone to preaching at you again. For a tape of today's message send
$19.95 to....
Faith enough to move a
a recent example of how faith "worked" -- or didn't work -- in prayer
for me and my wife:
most parents we spend a lot of time driving kids around to this and that, scout
meetings, piano lessons, concerts, youth meetings, museum classes, bus trips,
etc. In fact we think a father can be defined as a guy who hangs around dark
parking lots at night; I think that like most fathers I have spent half my life
in some parking lot waiting for some kid to get out of a class. Anyhow, to help
with all this driving, for years my wife and I have prayed almost daily for a
we believed that God was going to help us get a minivan. We were sure of it. We
expected it. We were so confident of this that we drove to a dealer and priced
minivans and decided which one we were going to buy.
describe in detail what happened next would be like giving a bubble by bubble
account of the Titanic's sinking, but in brief...
lost my job. A job prospect Ginny had evaporated. The IRS applied our
anticipated tax refund to a previous year's bill. An in-the-pocket book
contract failed. An expected check stayed expected. And within weeks our bank
account dropped to $1.77 total balance!
ended up with no minivan, no money, and no prospects of getting either one to
this very day.
So what happened to our faith?
enough, nothing.
we did feel hurt and confused and scared. And we questioned. Why had God lead
us to believe that we were getting out of our financial hole? Why had he let us
feel such solid confidence that we could get that minivan we'd prayed for so
long? Why did he let us waste so much time visiting dealers and pricing
minivans if he were not going to let us buy one? Those were our questions and
doubts on one level.
on another level, from the very first time we'd prayed for a minivan years ago,
our faith was not in a minivan. Our faith was not even that God would give us a
minivan. Our faith was in God -- raw God. And our faith on that level was not
Does what, I just said make any
a biblical example will show faith better:
the Book of Romans, St. Paul emphasizes that Abraham's faith, not Abraham's
keeping rules, saved him. "Abraham's faith was credited to him as
righteousness." Now the specific occasion was that God told Abraham that
even though he was about 100 years old, he would father a baby with Sarah, who
was no spring chicken herself.
St. Paul does not say, Abraham believed he'd get Sarah pregnant (the specific
occasion). He does say, "Abraham believed God" -- Romans 4:3
person of God was the object of Abraham's faith; the specific occasion was
important, but almost incidental.
Paul says that Abraham "is our father in the sight of God, in that he
believed the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as
though they were."-- Romans 4:17 NIV
and over, the New Testament emphasizes that faith is a gift of God; it is not
something we work up of ourselves.
Paul says, "Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard
through the word of Christ."-- Romans 10:17 NIV
What message? What word?
explained it at -- confusing --length, so let's try to follow his reasoning
carefully. Here goes:
describes in this way the righteousness that is by the law: 'The man who does
these things will live by them.' But the righteousness that is by faith says:
'Do not say in your heart, 'Who will ascend into heaven?' (that is to bring
Christ down) or 'Who will descend into the deep' (that is to bring Christ up
from the dead). But what does it say? The word is near you; it is in your mouth
and in your heart,' that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming: That if you
confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord' and believe in your heart that God
raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you
believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are
saved."-- Romans 10:5-10 NIV
think all that means that Jesus Christ is Lord. He returned from the dead. He
lives now and makes intercession for us at the right hand of God.
is the message.
is the word of Christ.
comes from hearing that Christ died and rose from death. These facts generate
when we pray, we are talking with the Resurrected Christ, the Lord of Life, the
Victor over our biggest dilemma -- death, the Person of our prayers, then the
immediate specific material thing or problem we are talking with him about
while still very important to us -- a minivan, overwhelming enemies, our own
physical condition, even foaming convulsions in someone we love -- these things
become manageable because Life Himself listens to our prayer.
is the substance of our hope, the evidence for our expectations in prayer.
faith is based on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness; he arose.
else would we pray to him?
OK, I have faith. So what?
believe in the person of Jesus. I believe he is the Creator come to earth, the
Son of God who died for our sins and rose from the dead.
believe the Person -- Lord, help my unbelief -- but I still have a problems
with the specifics.
things I pray about are vital to me. I don't want warm fuzzy faith feelings. I
want a minivan. I want concrete answers. I want solutions to my problems. I
want answers. These things are
necessary to my life...
are they?
Francis of Assisi once said, "Other than God himself, there is no such
thing as a necessity of life."
did he know! He was a saint for goodness sake! Saints don't need money, do
didn't have kids.
didn't need a minivan.
the Scriptures, it sure looks to me as though Jesus promised specific answers
to specific prayers; so maybe the cause for unanswered prayers lies in some
other direction that we haven't thought about yet.
keep looking. Say, here's an idea! I'll bet I know what the problem is -- maybe
the reason my prayer is not answered is because somebody else is praying that
it won't be
have been reading Chapter Ten of the book Why Don’t I Get What I Pray For? by
John W. Cowart (IVP, 1993)
Click here
for Chapter Eleven
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