I think that God is not answering my prayers -- but the real trouble is that I'm not listening to his
is a two-person conversation and when we pray, we need to learn to listen for God's
voice. If we don't, then how would we know whether he is answering us or not?
people in the Bible had their prayers answered by dreams or visions in the
night. Is that how God speaks to us?
do not remember the day I first met my wife; she does not remember first
meeting me either. We don't remember meeting each other because we were both
members of a large young people's group at church and became aware of each
other's existence gradually.
I vividly remember how I was convinced that I ought to get aquatinted with this
woman and pursue her. That conviction came to me in a dream. I believe that God
spoke to me in that one dream.
Now here comes a big disclaimer:
believe that God hardly ever speaks to me or anyone else in dreams! In my
experience, the dream about Ginny was an exception, a never-repeated exception.
I'd be crazy to act on the basis of a dream or to think my prayers are answered
by a dream. For instance, last night before bed I was praying about a financial
problem; I fell asleep praying and I dreamed that I was naked in the woods
where I chased down a deer on foot, killed it with my bare hands, ripped it
open and ate the raw bloody meat.
God answering my prayer about finances by sending me this dream about becoming
a fat Tarzan?
would take a might strong vine to hold my weight!
What about urges?
God seldom answers our prayers by dreams, then what about urges? Strong
feelings that I want to do something, that I ought to do a certain thing, that
I NEED to do it! Does God send us strong mental impressions in answer to our
think that He sometimes, but rarely, does.
and I often pray to be sensitive to God's voice, to be aware of his guidance
when he wants us to do -- or not do -- something.
about 3 a.m., I woke up suddenly knowing that my uncle and aunt were in grave
don't know how I knew this, I just did.
woke Ginny and told her. We felt that God had warned me about my uncles'
danger. We prayed for their protection and decided that I'd better drive over
to their house right now and rescue them. I threw on my clothes and drove
rapidly across town to their home where I found...
safe and well and sound asleep!
isn't it?
kind of mind game was God playing with me to mislead me like that? Or perhaps,
God was not speaking to me at all? Maybe this urge had nothing to do with God's
guidance. Maybe it was the result of the pizza and chocolate ice cream I'd
eaten earlier that evening.
there have been other times when I felt the same sort of urge but it did seem
as things worked out that God may have been speaking to me.
when I drove a tractor trailer truck cross-country, praying as I drove as I
often did, I felt that God would have me turn off the main route across Ohio
and drive north. No reason given. I debated it a while then started north away
from the Interstate. Drove a few miles. Nothing happened. Decided this was dumb
and pulled into a truckstop for supper before heading back to where I belonged.
I was eating, another truck driver walked up to my table. "Look,
Buddy," he said, "I've got to talk to somebody. Could I sit here and
talk to you?"
had been driving along a different road, crying over his family problems as he
drove, when he felt an urge to leave his route and come to the intersection
where we meet. Neither of us even knew there was a truckstop on that road.
left that place as a Christian with hope. He planned to go back to his wife. He
said our conversation had helped.
suspect the urges to turn off the road which the other driver and I both felt
were indeed urges from God -- An odd thought occurs to me: by obeying my urge,
I became an answer to that guy's prayers! If I had not followed the urge, his
prayer would have remained un-answered, at least by me.
each of these incidents from years ago the urges I experienced both felt
exactly the same.
the first case, maybe the urge I thought had come from God really came from
eating all that pizza; in the second case, truckstops are where trucks stop,
nothing miraculous about drivers meeting there.
do you tell the difference between God's voice in answering your prayers and
the voice of un-digested pizza? Does he really speak to us nowadays? In prayer,
I hear my own voice loudly but how do I hear God's still small voice?
your $19.95 ready because here come a half dozen preachy guidelines I find
helpful in trying to hear God's voice.
Listening guideline One: He has the
right to speak.
I acknowledge that God has priority. The Creator certainly has the right to
direct and expect obedience from his created beings. He not only made us but he
redeemed us with his own blood. What other boss can say that? God has double
right to direct us.
Two: For Heaven's sake, get a life!
I believe that he has given me life much as an art teacher might give a canvas
to a student artist and told me to paint my own picture on it. I am responsible
for what goes in the picture though he's always available for consultation and
any earthly father, our heavenly Father sometimes tell his children to go
outside and play. It's fine with him if you choose to play football, basketball
or duck-duck-goose. He just wants us to have wholesome fun. I suspect that most
of the career decisions we agonize in prayer over fall into this category.
Three: know the rules
he has posted a few absolute laws on
the studio wall concerning how I am to work. For instance, I'm forbidden to dip
my brush in the next guy's paint jar. If I get an urge to do anything which I
know is morally wrong -- contrary to the clearly posted rules -- then I know for sure that is not in
accord with the Master's will.
Four: Read the
I believe that the Bible is God's word and that the principles I discover when
I read it regularly guide me in what to do in specific situations in my
marriage, my business, my recreation, and my life in general.
the Bible is a book; it is not a rabbit's foot or good luck piece. Opening it
at random and pointing to a verse to live today by makes as little sense as
picking six random numbers to bet your money on -- and it produces just as few
Five: Who said that?
I listen carefully to the counsel of other people. God can indeed speak through
your husband, boss, mother-in-law, children or pastor.
a person who interrupts your prayers may very well be an answer to one of them:
Fenelon said, "The intruder whom God send us serves to thwart our will,
upset our plans, to make us crave more earnestly for silence and recollection,
to teach us to sit loose to our own arrangements, our rest, our ease, our
taste; to bend our will to that of others, to humble ourselves when impatience
overcomes us under these annoyances, and to kindle in our hearts a greater
thirst for God..."
Six: What do you feel?
there's the matter of "burdens" in prayer. I take that term to mean
the feeling that I ought to pray for someone or something even though they are
no direct concern of mine. A burden for prayer often is a call to involvement.
For instance, years ago I was riding a bus and noticed a group of people
waiting at a bus stop in a downtown park at rush hour. They looked so tired and
lost and lonely. Their faces haunted me for weeks. I began to pray for these
suspect the burden to pray for them was the voice of God to me because soon I
began to strongly feel that somebody ought to do something to tell such people
about God's love. Soon that transmuted into the impression that I ought to do
something -- That was not what I wanted to hear. Sure, praying for the people
at the bus stop was one thing, but it seemed God wanted me to get out there and
... witness???
I'm no preacher. I'm an Episcopalian for heavens sake. We don't do stuff like
that! Why, at one local church, when asked about an evangelism program, a
vestryman said, "But we don't need to recruit members, we already have
after a long struggle -- and not at all sure that I was really hearing God's
voice in answer to my prayers -- I did go to the park in my spare time. The
shyest Christian in Jacksonville actually did speak to strangers and teach Bible
lessons to groups at the bus stop.
may well have been an exercise in masochism, or it may have been an answer to
the prayer God originally laid on my heart. At any rate, over a period of about
four years while I witnessed on the street, over a hundred people made a
first-time profession of faith in Christ.
I suspect that any time you see a need that bothers you enough to pray about
it, God will tell you to do something about it personally.
No Voice needed!
when my daughters Eve and Patricia were at a garage sale, they pooled their
resources to scrape up 5¢ and bought a little prayer plaque for me. It is one
of my greatest treasures and contains the words to a prayer I pray over and
Lord, help me to do
What I can
Where I am
With what I have.
certainly speaks to us us by giving us clear-cut duties; there needs be no
special voice from heaven to tell you to take care of your aging parents, to
pay your bills, to feed the hungry, to do your job faithfully, to tend your
children, to treat your employees generously, to pray for government officials,
to feed and water the dog -- such things are givens.
we listen as we pray, God will answer us.
speaks through Scripture, through other people, through circumstances, through
opening doors, through closing doors, through dreams in the night, through
light in the day.
have been reading Chapter Fifteen of the book Why Don’t I Get What I Pray
For? by John W. Cowart (IVP,
Click here
for Chapter Sixteen
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